EducationalTestingService / skll

SciKit-Learn Laboratory (SKLL) makes it easy to run machine learning experiments.
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Remove top-level imports #661

Closed desilinguist closed 3 years ago

desilinguist commented 3 years ago

As I work on #488, I find that one unfortunate by-product of adding a new VotingLearner object that depends on the Learner object is that the following no longer works: from skll import Learner due to a circular import issue. From v2.5, we will need to do from skll.learner import Learner instead .

To make things consistent, I plan to remove all top-level imports:

Since we are already planning to break backwards compatibility with v2.5, the change can be clearly mentioned in the release notes. Also, IMO, it provides the user with a better sense of the structure of the SKLL codebase.