Edward-Wu / srt-live-server

srt live server for low latency
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Running Live Server as a Service and I want to see connection activity #75

Open jengajenga opened 3 years ago

jengajenga commented 3 years ago

I am running this live server as a service on ubuntu 20.04. So it starts on boot and stays on in the background.

I would however still live to view logs/stats/connections to the server.

How do I activate an option to view media info? How do i call that capability from the server while it is running in the background?


Edward-Wu commented 3 years ago

hi, jengajenga, there are 2 ways to view the media info, 1st, you can write media info to the log file, 2nd, you also can report the media info to a http server , then write a html to display. all of above need you do it yourself.

jengajenga commented 3 years ago

hi, jengajenga, there are 2 ways to view the media info, 1st, you can write media info to the log file, 2nd, you also can report the media info to a http server , then write a html to display. all of above need you do it yourself.

thank you Mr Wu.

this software is really good. Are you developing it further? Do you have a patreon account?