Edward7s / Nocturnal-V3

GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
22 stars 7 forks source link

Increase Readablility of code and add features #2

Closed Nullctipus closed 2 years ago

Nullctipus commented 2 years ago

Added an item manager to bring items to you and create them added an option to max portal time, networked delete portals, and set Pedestals

Edward7s commented 2 years ago

There's a lot of nice changes, but on Nocturnal I wanna work on only by myself, I putted it on GitHub just for people if they wanna change stuff for they're self or idk make they're own version science it will be faster then using dnSpy or something like that to pull a project, and also its easier for people to read / look for something directly on GitHub instead of using a decompilation tool. I hope u understand that.