EdwardLeeLPZ / PowerBEV

POWERBEV, a novel and elegant vision-based end-to-end framework that only consists of 2D convolutional layers to perform perception and forecasting of multiple objects in BEVs.
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Question about warp features. #10

Open mingyuShin opened 6 months ago

mingyuShin commented 6 months ago

Thank you for your kindness answer.

I have another question.

        cum_flow = flow[:, t - 1] @ cum_flow

In the function, when t is 1, flow[:, 0] represents the transformation matrix from timestep 0 to timestep 1, and cum_flow represents the transformation matrix from timestep 1 to timestep 2. I'm wondering if it should be cum_flow @ flow[:, t - 1] instead, assuming the input x has timesteps 0, 1, and 2.

def cumulative_warp_features(x, flow, mode='nearest', spatial_extent=None):
    """ Warps a sequence of feature maps by accumulating incremental 2d flow.

    x[:, -1] remains unchanged
    x[:, -2] is warped using flow[:, -2]
    x[:, -3] is warped using flow[:, -3] @ flow[:, -2]
    x[:, 0] is warped using flow[:, 0] @ ... @ flow[:, -3] @ flow[:, -2]

        x: (b, t, c, h, w) sequence of feature maps
        flow: (b, t, 6) sequence of 6 DoF pose
            from t to t+1 (only uses the xy poriton)

    sequence_length = x.shape[1]
    if sequence_length == 1:
        return x

    flow = pose_vec2mat(flow)

    out = [x[:, -1]]
    cum_flow = flow[:, -2]
    for t in reversed(range(sequence_length - 1)):
        out.append(warp_features(x[:, t], mat2pose_vec(cum_flow), mode=mode, spatial_extent=spatial_extent))
        # @ is the equivalent of torch.bmm
        cum_flow = flow[:, t - 1] @ cum_flow

    return torch.stack(out[::-1], 1)