Closed DaddyWesker closed 2 years ago
Hi @DaddyWesker
Actually the project supports to run directly with Kitti dataset. you can check
, just change the path of dataset and run!
Good luck with that!
Here is what i've got using
[ static_mapping_node.cpp: 111 ] [INFO] Get point cloud from ROS topic: velodyne_points
[ static_mapping_node.cpp: 126 ] [WARNING] No imu topic, expect no imu messages.
[ static_mapping_node.cpp: 146 ] [WARNING] No odom data accessed!
[ static_mapping_node.cpp: 161 ] [WARNING] No GPS data accessed!
[ WARN] [1643193041.676134315]: link 'gps' material 'green' undefined.
[ WARN] [1643193041.676884604]: link 'gps' material 'green' undefined.
[ 152 ] [INFO] Got tf : tracking -> lidar
translation : (0.04, -0.02, 0.3)
rotation : (0, -0, 0)
[ 103 ] [INFO] Load configurations from file: ./config/lidar_only_kitti.xml
*********************** configs from file ***********************
whole_options.export_file_path -> pcd/
whole_options.map_package_path -> pkgs/test/
whole_options.odom_calib_mode -> [default] 1
whole_options.separate_output -> false
whole_options.output_direct_combined_map -> false
whole_options.output_mrvm -> true
whole_options.output_kitti_pose -> true
whole_options.separate_step -> 200
output_mrvm_settings.output_average -> false
output_mrvm_settings.output_rgb -> true
output_mrvm_settings.use_max_intensity -> true
output_mrvm_settings.prob_threshold -> 0.54
output_mrvm_settings.low_resolution -> 1
output_mrvm_settings.high_resolution -> 0.1
output_mrvm_settings.hit_prob -> 0.55
output_mrvm_settings.miss_prob -> 0.49
output_mrvm_settings.z_offset -> 0
output_mrvm_settings.max_point_num_in_cell -> 8
Creating filter: Range
min_range_ -> 5
max_range_ -> 3.40282e+38
Creating filter: AxisRange
min_ -> -2
max_ -> 3.40282e+38
axis_index_ -> 2
Creating filter: RandomSampler
sampling_rate_ -> 0.5
options->type -> 6
options->accepted_min_score -> [default] 0.7
front_end_options.accumulate_cloud_num -> 1
motion_filter_options.translation_range -> 0.5
motion_filter_options.angle_range -> 1.5
motion_filter_options.time_range -> 0.25
motion_compensation_options.enable -> false
motion_compensation_options.use_average -> true
imu_options.enabled -> false
imu_options.type -> 0
imu_options.frequency -> 200
imu_options.gravity_constant -> 9.8
options->type -> 6
options->accepted_min_score -> 0.7
submap_options.frame_count -> 2
submap_options.enable_inner_mrvm -> [default] false
submap_options.enable_voxel_filter -> true
submap_options.enable_random_sampleing -> false
submap_options.random_sampling_rate -> 0.5
submap_options.voxel_size -> 0.1
submap_options.enable_disk_saving -> true
submap_options.enable_check -> false
submap_options.disk_saving_delay -> 10
submap_options.saving_name_prefix -> s_
isam_optimizer_options.use_odom -> false
isam_optimizer_options.use_gps -> false
isam_optimizer_options.output_graph_pic -> [default] false
isam_optimizer_options.enable_extrinsic_calib -> [default] true
isam_optimizer_options.gps_factor_init_num -> [default] 25
isam_optimizer_options.gps_factor_sample_step -> [default] 1
isam_optimizer_options.gps_factor_init_angle_rad -> [default] 1.6
loop_detector_setting.use_gps -> false
loop_detector_setting.use_descriptor -> true
loop_detector_setting.output_matched_cloud -> false
loop_detector_setting.trying_detect_loop_count -> 1
loop_detector_setting.loop_ignore_threshold -> 50
loop_detector_setting.nearest_history_pos_num -> 5
loop_detector_setting.max_close_loop_distance -> 40
loop_detector_setting.max_close_loop_z_distance -> 40
loop_detector_setting.m2dp_match_score -> 0.98
loop_detector_setting.accept_scan_match_score -> 0.8
map_package_options.enable -> false
map_package_options.border_offset -> 100
map_package_options.piece_width -> 500
map_package_options.cloud_file_prefix -> part_
map_package_options.descript_filename -> map_package.xml
[ 63 ] [INFO] Init scan matchers.
dist_outlier_ratio -> 0.7
max_iteration -> 100
knn_normal_estimate -> 7
[ 76 ] [INFO] Init isam optimizer.
[ 218 ] [INFO] Add a new trajectory : 0
[ 102 ] [INFO] Init threads.
[ 111 ] [INFO] Init finished.
[ 783 ] [INFO] disable odom.
[ 792 ] [INFO] disable gps.
[ static_mapping_node.cpp: 431 ] [INFO] No bag, read kitti data.
[ 716 ] [INFO] Finishing Remaining Computations...
[ 53 ] [INFO] Start managing memory.
[ 396 ] [INFO] point cloud thread exit.
[ 665 ] [INFO] no enough frames for new submap, quit
[ 712 ] [INFO] submap processing done.
[ 566 ] [INFO] All submaps have been connected.
[ 616 ] [INFO] generating path files ...
[ 898 ] [INFO] creating the static map ...
[ 234 ] [INFO] Finished filtering output cloud, generating pcd file.
[ 234 ] [WARNING] Cloud is empty. Do not output to file.
[ 62 ] [INFO] End managing memory.
block name | times | avg.(ms) | sum.(ms) | min.(ms) | max.(ms)
main | 1 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000 | 1000
This it KITTI_PATH i've used
Any ideas?
Hi @DaddyWesker
First you should set KITTI_PATH to /home/daddywesker/datasets/kitti/2011_09_29/2011_09_29_drive_0071_sync/velodyne_points/data/
And usually I use sequences in for test, the file names inside are a little bit different to files in "2011_09_29_drive_0071_sync", so you need to change line 94 of
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%06d.bin", point_cloud_data_path_.c_str(), index);
snprintf(filename, sizeof(filename), "%s/%010d.bin", point_cloud_data_path_.c_str(), index);
Have fun!
@DaddyWesker Or you can try with this branch: flexiable_kitti_reader
Just repleace the KITTI_PATH with your own path.
@DaddyWesker This feature is merged to master already. Feel free to re-open this issue or create a new issue if you still get questions.
Hello, @EdwardLiuyc . I was on vacation so haven't been able to test it out.
I've ran just fine after pulling new changes but where to find the map? I've pre-launched rviz but there is only current points on the screen and no map.
Also, if i got it right, code is first collecting data and after sequence is ended it began to calculate map? So it is not online, but postprocessing?
Hello again.
I've downloaded kitti sequence and converted it to rosbag so i can try to run it using your code. But i'm not exactly too familiar with robags, so i wanted to ask you about one thing. Here is the part of the
.And here is the rosbag
If i've got it right, POINT_CLOUD_TOPIC is the /kitti/velo/pointcloud in my case but what about POINT_CLOUD_FRAME_ID? I'm not quite sure what i need to put here.
If I got it right, in the step 2 where i need to play rosbag file, it should be something like this?
rosbag play --clock kitti_2011_09_26_drive_0011_synced.bag
Thanks in advance!