EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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This is still quantitative #399

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 3 months ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 3 months ago

371DFAF7059EA86B9CE48ADCA73E image

It should not be possible for a passed hand to ask for aces.

After 2N it looks like 3D is NF (6-7 hcp), so the right bid must be 4D to show a slammish hand.

So it is a global rule that after openers rebid in NT 4NT is always Quantitative.

An even worse example is this 362FDCF5ADC3EBBA9E340614871A image

EdwardPiwowar commented 3 months ago

Next BBA uses 4m as strong (in some situations) image