EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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Wrong interpretation of a bid which in 2/1 shows relative weakness #471

Open ThePokerDude opened 1 month ago

ThePokerDude commented 1 month ago

In a game forced auction if you can show a suit below game level than jumping to game shows relative weakness. Specifically in 2/1: 1s p 2h p 2s p you can bid 3h and 4h. Bidding 4h showas relative weakness because you could have bid 3h. That's why it's wrong to bid on after 4h without a strong hand. West should pass to 4h at table 1.

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EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

BBA uses this rule, but in this case 3H is 6+ and 4H is 7+. But 4H must have an upper limit of ~14hcp. W can pass. Next BBA image