EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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NMF in different flavors #533

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 month ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

0F24939AA620C8A581836970FBD7 image

With two 8-card fit in major and odds on slam it is bad to play 3N that is 50%

Both NMF and 2-WAY NMF seems to have problems here.

1: Humping to 3N seems wrong - 2D is right - it just just deny 3S and 4H image 2: After 2D South can bid 2H showing 5-5, and not 4H as defined by BBA (remember North has denied 4H)

Playing 2-way NMF it can be OK to bid 3C - but it denies 3S, but after 3H North should show support for Spades image