EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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Way to optimistic #558

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 month ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

022FE98001489E133BF5BB4A5CE4 image

3C is a wrong bid

2H is showing a stopper in heart and denying diamond stop, not showing extra

4N is bad, and 5N is worse

Please look at the documentation at https://www.bridgebum.com/inverted_minors.php

This needs to be updated https://sites.google.com/view/bbaenglish/description-of-conventions/inverted-minors?authuser=0 Especially 3C, that should be 5-card (and 3D after opening 1D)

This is how it is played by GIB image