EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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New minor forcing after 2N rebid is missing #561

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 month ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

0CE0326B8297E58DFD15C038434D image

3C is not 5-card, but just forcing, looking for 3-card support

Needs to be updated in the documentation too.

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

I can implement it but it is not clear whether it is the same for sayc and 2/1 and whether there is no error in the sequences after 1c and 1d. https://bidding.snippen.dk/bidding.asp?id=81&CID=&PrevBid=78788&level=4&Disturbed=false&Defensive=&Convention=&showRule=

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

You should not trust 2/1 on bidding.snippen.dk - I have just imported it from someone, and can't remember the source.

If you are going to use the site as source, I will create the 2 systems on the site and start maintaining it (and use it as explanations of BEN's bidding)

When in doubt just check how GIB handles it http://ben.aalborgdata.dk:8080/gib?bid=1C-P-1H-P-2N-P-*

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

http://ben.aalborgdata.dk:8080/gib?bid=1D-1H-2N-* 3C shows clubs

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

I think you are missing the Pass from the opponents http://ben.aalborgdata.dk:8080/gib?bid=1D-P-1H-P-2N-P-*

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

I think http://bidding.aalborgdata.com/Overview.asp?ID=18 is an OK source, when in doubt but perhaps there are to many conventions unknown to BBA image

For SAYC http://bidding.aalborgdata.com/Overview.asp?ID=19 is useable, but a lot of the conventions BEN is playing is missing.

So perhaps the best is I start the hard work of creating two new systems

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

I miss pass. Now it works. I think there is no need to rush into new conventions, they will not bring significant results. Both links show "HTTP Error 404.0 - Not Found"

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

Ahh, forgetting that aalborgdata.com is my local server - just replace it with snippen.dk that is my external server

https://bidding.snippen.dk/Overview.asp?ID=18 https://bidding.snippen.dk/Overview.asp?ID=19

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

Even without New Minor Forcing, this is wrong as we do not play Walsh 0C26AB6EC3807C57CE7ACDD33A4C image

Without NMF and without Walsh 3D is just nat and showing 5H. If Walsh it could be longer, but I doubt it is a good agreement.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 2 weeks ago

Another example of NMF missing 06690024283552DE85F07FD09B35 image

Perhaps you should add Walsh as a convention so I can deselect it :-)