EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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Difficult bid, but Pass is not an option #567

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 month ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

image 4D is forcing Ignore other hands than South

Just not possible to paste the hand in BEN-format

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

Try pasting one line from ben's format.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

If I use

KQ3.AKQ3.J74.QT3 A987.T74.85.9876 T642.J5.AQ6.AK52 J5.9862.KT932.J4

I get the hands but not dealer and vulnerability

If I add N None at the beginning or end BBA crash

The BEN format is this

N None AKQ98.AKJ.AK.AK3 J73.Q32.82.Q9752 542.976.QT965.J4 T6.T854.J743.T86

and for training a deal looks like this


And yes I know that is what BBA calls a BEN-file

I Lorand should have kept bidding only in line 2, why he did not I don't know. Probably because he got twoliners from Jack.

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

After pasting your hands, you manually set dealer and vulnerability from the player menu. Give me a correct hand for this situation.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

0CBF0ECECDD7000ED291C66FB309 image

This hand is giving error when pasted 987.AKQJ952.3.74 53.T43.AKQ742.K8 QJ.86.T85.AJT965 AKT642.7.J96.Q32

EdwardPiwowar commented 1 month ago

West fears E's hand

AKT642               Q8
7                    54
J96                  AKQ875
Q32                  876

W can bid having 0CCECF8D8ED206213CE641DC6BC7 image W know 4S is possible but having 9 diamonds he can't bid 4S.

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 month ago

It is a forcing bid, 4S or 5D can both be right or wrong, but passing a forcing bid is a "partnership-destroyer" Just don't do it.