EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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This should not be BEN-style #610

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 3 weeks ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 3 weeks ago

0C8AB62B15ED964AFE368CFB1D1E image

BEN managed to bid like this image

ThePokerDude commented 3 weeks ago

South is much too strong for the bidding at table 1. If we want to start with 2c we should later continue with 2sas we are forced to game. I like the 5d bid from table 2. But south should continue with 5nt after 5s. After an answer which shows Qs we should bid 7s.

Is BBA capable of counting tricks in the bidding already? If yes - then we could reach 7s when we apply rules for trick counting. We have 5s tricks Ah AKxxxxx is worth 6 tricks diamond ruff

5s 1h 1d 6c

for a total of 13

EdwardPiwowar commented 2 weeks ago

1 Previously, lifting the opening suit always promised fit: https://www.larryco.com/bridge-articles/two-over-one-gf-part-11-responders-rebid I think we need to come back to this. 2. Only N and the table manager know about the ace of diamonds :) so S can see 12 tricks. Next BBA I agree that the qeen ask should be 5N but I left 6C for now. image