EdwardPiwowar / BBA

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This lost the match - some interesting aspects #637

Open ThorvaldAagaard opened 1 week ago

ThorvaldAagaard commented 1 week ago

00DBE50CDFCBDC1563CC8975ED87 image

A 4 loser hand should never settle for a 3-level preempt

Ok, but West actually just bid 1S and see, what now happens image

East suddenly wakes up, and use RKC, and bids the slam missing 2 aces and trump Queen

OK, but North actually doubled to show the hearts image

This time East did not RKC, strange as the West bidding was exactly the same.

OK, But East did not pass the negative double (and should not) so the bidding went


Now this double from South is NOT a support double, but showing 18-21 HCP (We do never support double to support implied suits)

So it all ended up with this bidding


Making 12 as NS did not find the Diamond ruff

8 IMPS out, and lost the match by 7