EdyTheCow / docker-media-center

Docker Media Center running Jellyfin under Traefik, fully automated and production ready solution
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Transmission Error Message When Downloading torrent #4

Closed MachineSaver closed 6 months ago

MachineSaver commented 1 year ago

Can you help me resolve transmission torrent client running from a docker compose file which looks like:

The error when attempting to download the torrent: Couldn't get '/data/downloads/complete/filename: Permission denied (13)



version: "3.7"

networks: global: external: true local: external: false


jellyfin: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/jellyfin:latest restart: unless-stopped

security_opt: # Required for Docker versions below 20.10.10, update Docker for long term solution. Source: https://docs.linuxserver.io/faq#jammy

#  - seccomp=unconfined
  - global
  - local
  - ${SERVICES_DIR}/jellyfin:/config
  - ${DATA_DIR}/media:/data/media
  - "traefik.enable=true"
  - "traefik.http.routers.dmc-jellyfin.rule=Host(`${SUB_DOMAIN_JELLYFIN}.${DOMAIN}`)"
  - "traefik.http.routers.dmc-jellyfin.tls=true"
  - "traefik.http.services.dmc-jellyfin.loadbalancer.server.port=8096"
  - "traefik.http.routers.dmc-jellyfin.tls.certresolver=letsencrypt"
  - "traefik.docker.network=global"

transmission: image: lscr.io/linuxserver/transmission:latest restart: unless-stopped networks:

EdyTheCow commented 1 year ago

Looks like there's something wrong with file permissions. It could be as simple as defining correct IDs for ENV_PUID and ENV_PGID. By default both of them are set to 1000, to find your user and group IDs type id into the terminal and you should get something like this:


Now in /dmc/compose/.env set your uid as ENV_PUID and gid as ENV_PGID. That should make the container match your file permissions with the host.

MachineSaver commented 1 year ago

Eddy, I tried this but the id command results in a ENV_puid and ENV_guid of 1000 which are the values set in the .env file. Despite doing this I still have permission errors when using transmission to download and save to data/downloads/complete.

This question might show some of ignorance of the way docker handles the memory/folder which will store the movie/tv files that are served to jellyfin, but if I have the containers running can I simply load the video files into this folder: /home/username/docker-media-center/dmc/data/downloads?

Is this also the location that transmission is depositing downloads as set by the "download to" setting within transmission to?


Or would you want to set that value in the transmission UI to a complete path such as: /home/username/docker-media-center/dmc/data/downloads?

EdyTheCow commented 1 year ago

If you want to change the path for all media files, simply change the DATA_DIR variable in .env file. For your mentioned path, you would want to set it as /home/username/docker-media-center/dmc/data.

Do not change any paths inside Transmission unless otherwise stated in the guide. Transmission does not see your home directory or any of your files outside its container. The defined volume ${DATA_DIR}/downloads:/data/downloads in docker-compose.yml simply mounts path /data/downloads from inside of Transmission container to outside the container path ${DATA_DIR}/downloads. This also means the download path within Transmission should be set to /data/downloads, otherwise Docker won't be able to mount the correct directory as defined in volumes.

So if you set DATA_DIR to /home/username/docker-media-center/dmc/data the Transmission downloads folder will show up in /home/username/docker-media-center/dmc/data/downloads.