Closed TekExplorer closed 4 years ago This and below labels solve the issue.
its in there: HASTEBIN
i believe i fixed it by using accessControlAllowOriginList instead of accessControlAllowOrigin not sure why, but it fixed mine when i was troubleshooting before (hurts my brain remembering it)
and i have https://
appended to my domain in it
talking about my setup here
many edits for clarification and formatting
I've used current setup multiple times now when installing the panel and I didn't face the issue you described above.
Odd, I will have him check other things first before testing my solution... Hopefully we just missed something :)
Forgot to mention, turning on cloudflare proxy fixed it for him.
Solved the issue with the help of this project found in this issue.
./game-servers/wings/data/wings/etc/config.yml : This file is a little weird, when you get the Panel up and running and create the location then the node, it generates a config for you which you're intended to paste into this file, when you first start panel (if everything works) it will fill in the rest of the file for you. That being said there was a few thigns I had to manually configure to get everything working. At the bottom there is these two settings allowed_origins:
- allow_cors_private_network: true
After I pasted the configuration from the panel, and added
allow_cors_private_network: true
and restarted wings. It all worked.
the person im helping got this. what needs to be changed to fix this?
i somehow got it working on my system, so if you want to see my toml ill give it. its kinda over-complicated though
edited to remove domain deleted edits to erase domain further