Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Add support for LCD2004 #195

Open h1aji opened 5 years ago

h1aji commented 5 years ago

I think it would be nice to have bigger display that would be more informative and will show volume level bitrate and time with date.

Since there is not much difference in price.

mrohner commented 5 years ago

I added this as a file. You have to also update the main, change the include and some other #ifdefs First line is for Date and Time. Second and 3rd is for the station and song, 4th is for volume

//*  LCD2004.h -- Driver for LCD 2004 display with I2C backpack.                                    *
// The backpack communicates with the I2C bus and converts the serial data to parallel for the      *
// 2004 board.  In the serial data, the 8 bits are assigned as follows:                             *
// Bit   Destination  Description                                                                   *
// ---   -----------  ------------------------------------                                          *
//  0    RS           H=data, L=command                                                             *
//  1    RW           H=read, L=write.  Only write is used.                                         *
//  2    E            Enable                                                                        *
//  3    BL           Backlight, H=on, L=off.  Always on.                                           *
//  4    D4           Data bit 4                                                                    *
//  5    D5           Data bit 5                                                                    *
//  6    D6           Data bit 6                                                                    *
//  7    D7           Data bit 7                                                                    *
// Note that the display function are limited due to the minimal available space.

#include <driver/i2c.h>

#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x27                                     // Adjust for your display
#define ACKENA      true                                     // Enable ACK for I2C communication
// Color definitions for the TFT screen (if used)
#define BLACK   0
#define BLUE    1
#define RED     1
#define GREEN   0
#define CYAN    GREEN | BLUE
#define WHITE   RED | GREEN | BLUE

#define DELAY_ENABLE_PULSE_SETTLE    50      // Command requires > 37us to settle
#define FLAG_BACKLIGHT_ON    0b00001000      // Bit 3, backlight enabled (disabled if clear)
#define FLAG_ENABLE          0b00000100      // Bit 2, Enable
#define FLAG_RS_DATA         0b00000001      // Bit 0, RS=data (command if clear)
#define FLAG_RS_COMMAND      0b00000000      // Command

#define COMMAND_CLEAR_DISPLAY               0x01
#define COMMAND_RETURN_HOME                 0x02
#define COMMAND_ENTRY_MODE_SET              0x04
#define COMMAND_DISPLAY_CONTROL             0x08
#define COMMAND_FUNCTION_SET                0x20
#define COMMAND_SET_DDRAM_ADDR              0x80
#define FLAG_FUNCTION_SET_MODE_4BIT         0x00
#define FLAG_FUNCTION_SET_LINES_2           0x08
#define FLAG_FUNCTION_SET_DOTS_5X8          0x00
// Various macro's to mimic the ST7735 version of display functions
#define dsp_setRotation()                                          // Use standard landscape format
#define dsp_print(a)                                               // Print a string 
#define dsp_println(a)                                             // Print string plus newline
#define dsp_fillRect(a,b,c,d,e)                                    // Fill a rectange
#define dsp_setTextSize(a)                                         // Set the text size
#define dsp_setTextColor(a)                              
#define dsp_setCursor(a,b)                                         // Position the cursor
#define dsp_erase()         tft->sclear()                          // Clear the screen
#define dsp_getwidth()      20                                     // Get width of screen
#define dsp_getheight()     4                                      // Get height of screen
#define dsp_usesSPI()       false                                  // Does not use SPI

#define TFTSECS 4                                           // 4 sections, only 2 used
scrseg_struct     tftdata[TFTSECS] =                        // Screen divided in 4 segments
  { false, WHITE,   0,  0, "" },                            // 1 top line (dummy)
  { false, WHITE,   0,  0, "" },                            // 8 lines in the middle
  { false, WHITE,   0,  0, "" },                            // 4 lines at the bottom
  { false, WHITE,   0,  0, "" }                             // 4 lines at the bottom for rotary encoder
} ;

class LCD1602
                     LCD1602 ( uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl ) ; // Constructor
    void             print ( char c ) ;                     // Send 1 char
    void             reset() ;                              // Perform reset
    void             sclear() ;                             // Clear the screen
    void             shome() ;                              // Go to home position
    void             scursor ( uint8_t col, uint8_t row ) ; // Position the cursor
    void             scroll ( bool son ) ;                  // Set scroll on/off
    i2c_config_t     i2c_config ;                           // I2C configuration
    i2c_cmd_handle_t hnd ;                                  // Handle for driver
    void             scommand ( uint8_t cmd ) ;
    void             strobe ( uint8_t cmd ) ;
    void             swrite ( uint8_t val, uint8_t rs ) ;
    void             write_cmd ( uint8_t val ) ;
    void             write_data ( uint8_t val ) ;
    uint8_t          bl  = FLAG_BACKLIGHT_ON ;              // Backlight in every command
    uint8_t          xchar = 0 ;                            // Current cursor position (text)
    uint8_t          ychar = 0 ;                            // Current cursor position (text)
} ;

LCD1602* tft = NULL ;

bool dsp_begin()
  dbgprint ( "Init LCD2004, I2C pins %d,%d", ini_block.tft_sda_pin,
             ini_block.tft_scl_pin ) ;
  if ( ( ini_block.tft_sda_pin >= 0 ) &&
       ( ini_block.tft_scl_pin >= 0 ) )
    tft = new LCD1602 ( ini_block.tft_sda_pin,
                        ini_block.tft_scl_pin ) ;           // Create an instance for TFT
    dbgprint ( "Init LCD2004 failed!" ) ;
  return ( tft != NULL ) ;

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2  write functions                                *
// Write functins for command, data and general.                                                *
void LCD1602::swrite ( uint8_t val, uint8_t rs )          // General write, 8 bits data
  strobe ( ( val & 0xf0 ) | rs ) ;                        // Send 4 LSB bits
  strobe ( ( val << 4 ) | rs ) ;                          // Send 4 MSB bits

void LCD1602::write_data ( uint8_t val )
  swrite ( val, FLAG_RS_DATA ) ;                           // Send data (RS = HIGH)

void LCD1602::write_cmd ( uint8_t val )
  swrite ( val, FLAG_RS_COMMAND ) ;                        // Send command (RS = LOW)

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S T R O B E                                  *
// Send data followed by strobe to clock data to LCD.                                           *
void LCD1602::strobe ( uint8_t cmd )
  scommand ( cmd | FLAG_ENABLE ) ;                  // Send command with E high
  scommand ( cmd ) ;                                // Same command with E low
  delayMicroseconds ( DELAY_ENABLE_PULSE_SETTLE ) ; // Wait a short time

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S C O M M A N D                              *
// Send a command to the LCD.                                                                   *
// Actual I/O.  Open a channel to the I2C interface and write one byte.                         *
void LCD1602::scommand ( uint8_t cmd )
  hnd = i2c_cmd_link_create() ;                           // Create a link
  if ( i2c_master_start ( hnd ) |
       i2c_master_write_byte ( hnd, (I2C_ADDRESS << 1) |  // Add I2C address to output buffer
                               ACKENA ) |
       i2c_master_write_byte ( hnd, cmd | bl,             // Add command including BL state
                               ACKENA ) |
       i2c_master_stop ( hnd ) |                          // End of data for I2C
       i2c_master_cmd_begin ( I2C_NUM_0, hnd,             // Send bufferd data to LCD
                              10 / portTICK_PERIOD_MS ) )
    dbgprint ( "LCD2004 communication error!" ) ;         // Something went wrong (not connected)
  i2c_cmd_link_delete ( hnd ) ;                           // Link not needed anymore

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: P R I N T                                    *
// Put a character in the buffer.                                                               *
void LCD1602::print ( char c )
  write_data ( c ) ;

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S C U R S O R                                *
// Place the cursor at the requested position.                                                  *
void LCD1602::scursor ( uint8_t col, uint8_t row )
  const int row_offsets[] = { 0x00, 0x40, 0x14, 0x54 } ;

  write_cmd ( COMMAND_SET_DDRAM_ADDR |
              ( col + row_offsets[row] ) ) ; 

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S C L E A R                                  *
// Clear the LCD.                                                                               *
void LCD1602::sclear()
  write_cmd ( COMMAND_CLEAR_DISPLAY ) ;

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S C R O L L                                  *
// Set scrolling on/off.                                                                        *
void LCD1602::scroll ( bool son )
  uint8_t ecmd = COMMAND_ENTRY_MODE_SET |               // Assume no scroll

  if ( son )                                            // Scroll on?
    ecmd |= FLAG_ENTRY_MODE_SET_ENTRY_SHIFT_ON ;        // Yes, change function
  write_cmd ( ecmd ) ;                                  // Perform command

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: S H O M E                                    *
// Go to home position.                                                                         *
void LCD1602::shome()
  write_cmd ( COMMAND_RETURN_HOME ) ;

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2 :: R E S E T                                    *
// Reset the LCD.                                                                               *
void LCD1602::reset()
  scommand ( 0 ) ;                                // Put expander to known state
  delayMicroseconds ( 1000 ) ;
  for ( int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ )                 // Repeat 3 times
    strobe ( 0x03 << 4 ) ;                        // Select 4-bit mode
    delayMicroseconds ( 4500 ) ;
  strobe ( 0x02 << 4 ) ;                          // 4-bit
  delayMicroseconds ( 4500 ) ;
  write_cmd ( COMMAND_FUNCTION_SET |
              FLAG_FUNCTION_SET_LINES_2 |
              FLAG_FUNCTION_SET_DOTS_5X8 ) ;
  sclear() ;
  write_cmd ( COMMAND_ENTRY_MODE_SET |
  shome() ;
  for ( char a = 'a' ; a < 'q' ; a++ )
    print ( a ) ;

//                                L C D 1 6 0 2                                                 *
// Constructor for the display.                                                                 *
LCD1602::LCD1602 ( uint8_t sda, uint8_t scl )
  esp_err_t        espRc ;

  i2c_config.mode = I2C_MODE_MASTER,
  i2c_config.sda_io_num = (gpio_num_t)sda ;
  i2c_config.sda_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE ;
  i2c_config.scl_io_num = (gpio_num_t)scl ;
  i2c_config.scl_pullup_en = GPIO_PULLUP_DISABLE ;
  i2c_config.master.clk_speed = 100000 ;
  if ( i2c_param_config ( I2C_NUM_0, &i2c_config ) != ESP_OK )
    dbgprint ( "param_config error!" ) ;
  else if ( i2c_driver_install ( I2C_NUM_0, I2C_MODE_MASTER, 0, 0, 0 ) != ESP_OK )
    dbgprint ( "driver_install error!" ) ;
  reset() ;

struct dsp_str
  String          str ;
  uint16_t        len ;                                 // Length of string to show
  uint16_t        pos ;                                 // Start on this position of string
  uint8_t         row ;                                 // Row on display  
} ;

dsp_str dline[4] = { { "", 0, 0, 0 },
                     { "", 0, 0, 0 },
                     { "", 0, 0, 0 },
                     { "", 0, 0, 0 }
                   } ;

//                                D S P _U P D A T E _ L I N E                                  *
// Show a selected line                                                                         *
void dsp_update_line ( uint8_t lnr )
  uint8_t         i ;                                // Index in string
  const char*     p ;

  p = dline[lnr].str.c_str() ;
  dline[lnr].len = strlen ( p ) ;
  //dbgprint ( "Strlen is %d, str is %s", len, p ) ;
  if ( dline[lnr].len > dsp_getwidth() )
    if ( dline[lnr].pos >= dline[lnr].len )
      dline[lnr].pos = 0 ;
      p += dline[lnr].pos ;
    dline[lnr].len -= dline[lnr].pos ;
    if ( dline[lnr].len > dsp_getwidth() )
      dline[lnr].len = dsp_getwidth() ;
    dline[lnr].pos = 0 ;                             // String fits on screen
  dline[lnr].pos++ ;
  tft->scursor ( 0, lnr ) ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < dline[lnr].len ; i++ )
    if ( ( *p >= ' ' ) && ( *p <= '~' ) )            // Printable?
      tft->print ( *p ) ;                            // Yes
      tft->print ( ' ' ) ;                           // Yes, print space
    p++ ;
  for ( i = 0 ; i < ( dsp_getwidth() - dline[lnr].len ) ; i++ )  // Fill remainder
    tft->print ( ' ' ) ;
  if ( *p == '\0' )                                  // At end of line?
    dline[lnr].pos = 0 ;                             // Yes, start allover

//                                D S P _U P D A T E                                            *
// Show a selection of the 4 sections                                                           *
void dsp_update()
  static uint16_t cnt = 0 ;                             // Reduce updates

  if ( cnt++ != 8 )                                     // Action every 8 calls
    return ;
  cnt = 0 ;
  if ( enc_menu_mode != VOLUME )                        // Encoder menu mode?
    dline[1].str = tftdata[3].str.substring(0,dsp_getwidth()) ;     // Yes, different lines
    dline[2].str = tftdata[3].str.substring(dsp_getwidth()) ;
    dline[2].str = tftdata[1].str ;                     // Local copy
    dline[1].str = tftdata[2].str ;                     // Local copy
  dline[2].str.trim() ;                                 // Remove non printing
  dline[1].str.trim() ;                                 // Remove non printing
  if ( dline[2].str.length() > dsp_getwidth() )
    dline[2].str += String ( "  " ) ;
  if ( dline[1].str.length() > dsp_getwidth() )
    dline[1].str += String ( "  " ) ;
  dsp_update_line ( 1 ) ;
  dsp_update_line ( 2 ) ;

//                                      D I S P L A Y B A T T E R Y                                *
// Dummy routine for this type of display.                                                         *
void displaybattery()

//                                      D I S P L A Y V O L U M E                                  *
// Dummy routine for this type of display.                                                         *
void displayvolume(){
  static uint8_t   oldvol = 0 ;                         // Previous volume
    uint8_t        newvol ;                             // Current setting
    uint16_t       pos ;                                // Positon of volume indicator

    dline[3].str = "";

    newvol = vs1053player->getVolume() ;                // Get current volume setting
    if ( newvol != oldvol )                             // Volume changed?
      oldvol = newvol ;                                 // Remember for next compare
      pos = map ( newvol-39, 0, 100, 0, dsp_getwidth() ) ; // Compute position on TFT (-39 as I can hear nothing with this volume)
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < pos ; i++ )                     // Set oldstr to dots
        dline[3].str += "-";                     // Local copy
      for ( int i = 0 ; i < dsp_getwidth()-pos ; i++ )
        dline[3].str += " ";          

//                                      D I S P L A Y T I M E                                      *
//                                                         *
void displaytime ( const char* str, uint16_t color ){
  const char* WDAYS [] ={"Mon","Tue","Wed","Thu","Fri","Sat","Sun"};
  char        datetxt[21] ;                           
  sprintf ( datetxt, "%03s %02d.%02d.  %08s",                // Format new time to a string
                  str) ;
  char oldstr[21] = "...................." ;             // For compare
  uint8_t     i ;                                  // Index in strings
  if ( datetxt[14] == '0' ) {                           // Empty string?
    for ( int i = 0 ; i < 21 ; i++ )                    // Set oldstr to dots
       oldstr[i] = '.' ;
    return ;                                       // No actual display yet

    if ( datetxt != oldstr ) {                  // Difference?
       dline[0].str = datetxt;          
       for ( int i = 0 ; i < 21 ; i++ )                    // Set oldstr to dots
       oldstr[i] = datetxt[i] ;
ememem13 commented 5 years ago

Can scrolling be accelerated?

h1aji commented 3 years ago

@Edzelf Any chance to add LCD2004 code. I have tested it and itworks ok

Edzelf commented 3 years ago

I 've ordered an LCD2004. I will add support as soon as I have tested it.

h1aji commented 3 years ago

@mrohner is it possible to implement volume progress bar like here: https://www.electronicsblog.net/arduino-lcd-horizontal-progress-bar-using-custom-characters/

h1aji commented 3 years ago

Hi @Edzelf thanks for adding it in the latest release. The only thing i wanted to improve is volume progress bar. So instead of having minus have a full square This line: dline[3].str += "-" ; // Add minus sign

is it possible to create custom character like

byte customChar[] = {

and print it then?

Edzelf commented 3 years ago

Maybe I'm wrong, but could you try: dline[3].str += "\x7F" ; // Add block character

h1aji commented 3 years ago

@Edzelf didnt work, shows nothing. Found alternative solution :)
dline[3].str += "#" ;