Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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ESP32 + ILI9341 Wiring Diagram #279

Open AlexVichter opened 4 years ago

AlexVichter commented 4 years ago

Dear Ed, your Web Radio ESP32 project supports the ILI9341 display. I can find in your description only the wiring diagram for the Display with the following pins: D/C (A0), CLK/SCK, DIN/SDA CS GND BL VCC RST pins

But my display 3.2 TFT SPI 240x320 ILI9341 has another pins: SDO(MISO) LED SCK SDI(MOSI) DC RESET CS GND VCC http://www.lcdwiki.com/images/thumb/c/c4/MSP3218-021.jpg/500px-MSP3218-021.jpg

Can you please advise the wiring diagram for this variant to ESP32 device according to the actual .ino sketch?

Should I change any variables in your .ino sketch to adopt my ILI9341? If yes, which file and which lines in it?

Perhaps my questions are stupid, but I cannot find this information in project files.

Thanks a lot for your help and support!

Edzelf commented 4 years ago

No need to change the software. It's just a matter of different names.. Use this translation:

SDO(MISO)   <not used>
LED     BL
DC      D/C (A0)
CS      CS
AlexVichter commented 4 years ago

Thank you Ed!