Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Bigger fonts possible at “ILI9341" 240x320? #350

Open Gelegenheitsbastler opened 4 years ago

Gelegenheitsbastler commented 4 years ago

I use a “ILI9341" 240x320 like this: https://www.marotronics.de/28-TFT-LCD-Display-Touchscreen-SPI-240x320-ILI9341-fuer-Arduino

The font is very small on this big display. Is it possible to us a bigger font? It would be so much easier to read for old mans eyes ;-)

Edzelf commented 4 years ago

It would not be too hard to find the font size setting in the code.

Gelegenheitsbastler commented 4 years ago

I changed line 3617 dsp_setTextSize ( 1 ) from 1 to 2. Everything seems to be fine, but the clock is unreadable. Also the beginning of the next line is unreadable. I took a photo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/h44utims0pl7dat/Font%20size.jpg?dl=0

Edzelf commented 4 years ago

Search for "TIMEPOS". That's the position of the time relative to the right side of the display. Then search for "void displaytime ( const char* str, uint16_t color )". At the end you'll see: "pos += 6 ; ". 6 is the distance between the time digits. Change it to 10 or something like that.

Gelegenheitsbastler commented 4 years ago

It works :-) I changed the following lines:

define TIMEPOS -90

dsp_fillRect ( pos, 0, 11, 22, BLACK ) ; // Clear the space for new character pos += 11 ;

The only thing that does not work correctly is the green line under the clock. Have a look to the photo: https://www.dropbox.com/s/c4qk8lti339uij2/IMG_20200702_163931_copy_800x600.jpg?dl=0

hevet commented 3 years ago

Set dsp_fillRect ( pos, 0, 10, 16, BLACK ) ; // Clear the space for new character

arminth commented 3 years ago

Maybe it helps to know that the changes must be made in ESP32_radio.ino _dsp_setTextSize ( 1 )

define TIMEPOS -90_

and in ILI9341.h

_dspfillRect ( pos, 0, 10, 16, BLACK ) ; // Clear the space for new character pos += 11 ;