Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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VS1003 #403

Open dagisr opened 3 years ago

dagisr commented 3 years ago

Hi all, Have been using this VS1053/VS1003 unit in my older Esp8266 setup and it was working good.

Now in my new Esp32 setup everything seems to be working ok BUT no sound. In my serial printout from the Esp32 it do tells me it is a VS1003 (I did not know that before)

SO what to do. Did anything change so my old VS1053 can not be used anymore?

brg Dag in Karlskoga

dagisr commented 3 years ago

well, well, well .. I kind of solved it. It's now working like in old esp8266 setup. I removed the chip-test result in the program. I have now:

if ( r1 != 4 ) // Version 4 is a genuine VS1053 { dbgprint ( "This is not a VS1053, " // Report the wrong chip "but a VS%d instead!", vstype[r1] ) ; okay = true ; } return ( okay ) ; // Return the result

Anywhay - thank you very much for this fantastic ESP32 RADIO system!!!

Dag in Karlskoga, Sweden

henkiejan1 commented 3 years ago

Hmm, i have the same situation i think. Also used this vs1053 always without problemes on the esp32

Paul-OE8PCK commented 3 years ago

Worked for me. Thank you for the tip!!!!