Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
965 stars 227 forks source link

Problem with Config #408

Closed Kristian-12345 closed 3 years ago

Kristian-12345 commented 3 years ago

[Hi Edzelf, I designed and made a PCB now. I use a 1.8 128x160 SPI 1.8 TFT Module and the VS1003/1053 MC3 decoder.

For the connection I used those PINs you proposed in your Sketch.

GPIO32 - pin 1 XDCS - - // GPIO5 - pin 2 XCS - - // GPIO4 - pin 4 DREQ - - // GPIO2 pin 3 D/C or A0 - - - // GPIO22 - - CS - // GPIO16 RXD2 - - - TX of NEXTION (if in use) // GPIO17 TXD2 - - - RX of NEXTION (if in use) // GPIO18 SCK pin 5 CLK or SCK pin 5 SCK CLK - // GPIO19 MISO - pin 7 MISO MISO - // GPIO23 MOSI pin 4 DIN or SDA pin 6 MOSI MOSI - // GPIO15 pin 2 CS - - - // GPI03 RXD0 - - - Reserved serial input // GPIO1 TXD0 - - - Reserved serial output // GPIO34 - - - - Optional pull-up resistor // GPIO35 - - - - Infrared receiver VS1838B // GPIO25 - - - - Rotary encoder CLK // GPIO26 - - - - Rotary encoder DT // GPIO27 - - - - Rotary encoder SW // ------- ------ --------------- ------------------- ------ ---------------- // GND - pin 8 GND pin 8 GND Power supply GND // VCC 5 V - pin 7 BL - Power supply // VCC 5 V - pin 6 VCC pin 9 5V Power supply // EN - pin 1 RST pin 3 XRST -

Those Pins I put in the init file:

preferences.putString ( "pin_vs_cs", "5 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 CS" ) ; preferences.putString ( "pin_vs_dcs", "32 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 DCS" ) ; preferences.putString ( "pin_vs_dreq", "4 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 DREQ" ) ; // preferences.putString ( "pin_enc_clk", "25 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder CLK" ) ; preferences.putString ( "pin_enc_dt", "26 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder DT" ) ; preferences.putString ( "pin_enc_sw", "27 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder SW" ) ; // preferences.putString ( "pin_tft_cs", "15 # GPIO Pin number for TFT CS" ) ; preferences.putString ( "pin_tft_dc", "2 # GPIO Pin number for TFT DC" ) I also put my Wifi SSD ans pwd in there But if i upload and start the sketch, thediplay ist just white, there is no sound and on the console I have this output

ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

rst:0x1 (POWERON_RESET),boot:0x13 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) flash read err, 1000 ets_main.c 371 ets Jun 8 2016 00:22:57

rst:0x10 (RTCWDT_RTC_RESET),boot:0x17 (SPI_FAST_FLASH_BOOT) configsip: 0, SPIWP:0xee clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 mode:DIO, clock div:1 load:0x3fff0018,len:4 load:0x3fff001c,len:1216 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40078000,len:9720 ho 0 tail 12 room 4 load:0x40080400,len:6352 entry 0x400806b8

D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. Version Mon, 19 Oct 2020 14:12:00 GMT. Free memory 287432 D: Display type is LCD2004 D: Partition nvs found, 20480 bytes D: Read 43 keys from NVS D: pin_ir set to 35 D: pin_enc_clk set to 25 D: pin_enc_dt set to 26 D: pin_enc_sw set to 27 D: pin_tft_cs set to 15 D: pin_tft_dc set to 2 D: pin_tft_scl set to -1 D: pin_tft_sda set to -1 D: pin_tft_bl set to -1 D: pin_tft_blx set to -1 D: pin_sd_cs set to 21 D: pin_ch376_cs set to -1 D: pin_ch376_int set to -1 D: pin_vs_cs set to 5 D: pin_vs_dcs set to 32 D: pin_vs_dreq set to 4 D: pin_shutdown set to -1 D: pin_shutdownx set to -1 D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 D: GPIO0 is HIGH D: GPIO2 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO4 is HIGH D: GPIO5 is HIGH D: GPIO12 is HIGH D: GPIO13 is HIGH D: GPIO14 is HIGH D: GPIO15 is HIGH D: GPIO16 is HIGH D: GPIO17 is HIGH D: GPIO18 is HIGH D: GPIO19 is HIGH D: GPIO21 is HIGH D: GPIO22 is HIGH D: GPIO23 is HIGH D: GPIO25 is HIGH D: GPIO26 is HIGH D: GPIO27 is HIGH D: GPIO32 is HIGH D: GPIO33 is HIGH D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO35 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: gpio_00 will execute uppreset = 1 D: gpio_12 will execute upvolume = 2 D: gpio_13 will execute downvolume = 2 D: Enable pin 35 for IR D: Start display D: Init LCD2004, I2C pins -1,-1 D: Init LCD2004 failed! D: SD Card Mount Failed! D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks D: Added easybell DSL-CC0A05 to list of networks D: Added SSID2 to list of networks D: End adding networks D: Scan Networks D: Scan completed D: Number of available networks: 6 D: 1 - easybell DSL-CC0A05 Signal: -73 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 2 - FRITZ!Box Gastzugang Signal: -73 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 3 - FRITZ!Box 7430 TN Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 4 - easybell DSL-CC0A05 Signal: -90 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 5 - EasyNachbarn5.1 Signal: -90 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 6 - FRITZ!Box Gastzugang Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: End of list D: Command: clk_dst with parameter 1 D: Command: clk_offset with parameter 1 D: Command: clk_server with parameter pool.ntp.org D: Command: gpio_00 with parameter uppreset = 1 D: Command: gpio_12 with parameter upvolume = 2 D: Command: gpio_13 with parameter downvolume = 2 D: Command: ir_40bf with parameter upvolume = 2 D: Command: ir_c03f with parameter downvolume = 2 D: Command: mqttbroker with parameter none D: Command: mqttpasswd with parameter *** D: Command: mqttport with parameter 1883 D: Command: mqttprefix with parameter none D: Command: mqttuser with parameter none D: Command: pin_enc_clk with parameter 25 D: Command: pin_enc_dt with parameter 26 D: Command: pin_enc_sw with parameter 27 D: Command: pin_ir with parameter 35 D: Command: pin_sd_cs with parameter 21 D: Command: pin_tft_cs with parameter 15 D: Command: pin_tft_dc with parameter 2 D: Command: pin_vs_cs with parameter 5 D: Command: pin_vs_dcs with parameter 32 D: Command: pin_vs_dreq with parameter 4 D: Command: preset with parameter 6 D: Command: preset_00 with parameter D: Command: preset_01 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 D: Command: preset_02 with parameter us2.internet-radio.com:8050 D: Command: preset_03 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192 D: Command: preset_04 with parameter airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8008/1604_128 D: Command: preset_05 with parameter us1.internet-radio.com:8105 D: Command: preset_06 with parameter icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 D: Command: preset_07 with parameter D: Command: preset_08 with parameter skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3 D: Command: preset_09 with parameter D: Command: preset_10 with parameter ihr/IHR_IEDM D: Command: preset_11 with parameter ihr/IHR_TRAN D: Command: toneha with parameter 0 D: Command: tonehf with parameter 0 D: Command: tonela with parameter 0 D: Command: tonelf with parameter 0 D: Command: volume with parameter 72 D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... D: Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again... D: endFillByte is 0 D: Start CH376

**Seems I missed some config, but I can not figure out what I did wrong. Could you give me a hint?

I Uploaded a Picture of the pcb here: https://share-your-photo.com/3aa61d44af/album

Thanks Kristian

Edzelf commented 3 years ago

Hello Kristian, I think you configured the LCD2004 display. See lines 173..180:

// Define (just one) type of display.  See documentation.
//#define BLUETFT                        // Works also for RED TFT 128x160
//#define OLED                         // 64x128 I2C OLED
//#define DUMMYTFT                     // Dummy display
//#define LCD1602I2C                   // LCD 1602 display with I2C backpack
#define LCD2004I2C                   // LCD 2004 display with I2C backpack
//#define ILI9341                      // ILI9341 240*320
//#define NEXTION                      // Nextion display. Uses UART 2 (pin 16 and 17)

```Uncomment the line with BLUETFT and comment the line with LCD2004I2c.
Kristian-12345 commented 3 years ago

Now it works, Thank you so much :-)