Edzelf / ESP32-Radio

Internet radio based on ESP32, VS1053 and a TFT screen.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Noise / sound disruption once writing data to ILI9341 #419

Closed ElectronicWizzard closed 3 years ago

ElectronicWizzard commented 3 years ago


each time the display text is changing(e.g. clock, sound level, etc.) I get some short noise disruption. I am using the default SPI PINs for VS1053 and ILI9341. Any idea what is causing this noise disruption.

BR Christian

ElectronicWizzard commented 3 years ago

Problems seems to be cause by writing to the SPI bus as I as well happens if I pull the display off.

ElectronicWizzard commented 3 years ago

I found the issue. I had to increase the SPI frequency for the display in ILI9341.h

bool dsp_begin() { tft = new Adafruit_ILI9341 ( ini_block.tft_cs_pin, ini_block.tft_dc_pin ) ; // Create an instant for TFT //tft->begin();
//Increase speed as otherwise every display change generates some noise tft->begin(80000000); // Init TFT interface // tft->setFont( & FreeSans9pt7b); return ( tft != NULL ) ; }