Edzelf / ESP32Radio-V2

New version of the well known ESP32 Radio. Now optional I2S output!
Apache License 2.0
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Fails Setting Up Access Point #29

Open wa8lbz opened 2 years ago

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

I purchased a new ESP32 DOIT DEVKIT. Used the pio run -t upload and pio run -t uploadfs commands to upload the current sketch and preferences. Both were successful. Nothing was connected to the ESP32 except power, a capacitor from ESP32 EN pin to ground and USB cable to computer COM7. It's not working. See attached file... Power Up Serial Monitor 2.txt

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Do you see the ESRadio access point? If so, connect to it and go to Then configure your WiFi network. For Nextion: Check if the baudrate is 115200.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

No I do not see the access point (AP). Yes, the baud rate is 115200. I could see the AP before the March 26 code update.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Then show the complete logging.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Here is all logging. Upload, uploadfs and debug. Uploaad.txt Uploadfs.txt Debug.txt

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

NVS is still empty, but you should see the AP. Otherwise the ESP32 is defective.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Now I am really confused. The pio run -t uploadfs command was successful, but no AP. I have three ESP32 DOIT DEVKIT modules, one brand new, all giving the same results.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Below is my defaultprefs.txt file, in the data directory, that was uploaded. Is there anything wrong with it? Defaultprefs.txt

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Uploasfs Terminal Output 2.txt

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

In the last message, the part about the missing spiffs.bin file is in error. The file is there. My mistake. But I am still concerned about the terminal logging for the pio run -t uploadfs command. You said the NVS was empty and I am trying to find out why. And I want to know what the "keys" are that are going into the NVS.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Is there anything wrong with theplatformio.ini file: Platformio dot ini.txt

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Defaultprefs.txt is not needed at all. It is just a help to fill NVS after you have AP running. Also uploadfs is not vital. The first thing that is important is the AP. If you cannot get AP to work, you can not proceed with the radio.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

NVS contains the configuration parameters. Examples are the presets, volume, wifi credential. Read the documentation for details. NVS will be filled using the config page of the web interface.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

I understand that if you cannot get the AP to work, I can't proceed with the radio. I was able to get the AP until the code changed to fix the Nextion problem. After that, no AP. I have tried three ESP32 DOIT DEVKIT boards all with the same results. I have tried every thing I know to do but cannot solve the no AP problem. I get the same result using the Arduino IDE. What can I check next to solve the no AP problem? You say the NVS contains the configuration parameters and you also said my NVS is empty. I don't know what else to do. Do you want to see more logging outputs?

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Again, step 1 is to have AP working. Don't mind NVS or defaultprefs.txt.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Sometimes it helps to erase the flash completely and then install SPIFS and sketch again.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

I will try anything to get the AP to work. Will the command )pio run erase -target) erase the flash? If not, how do I erase the flash?

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

The command is pio run -t erase. You can also find the command in the left pane if you select the pio icon: image

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Still no AP. Here is the debug logging after performing these commands: pio run -t erase; pio run -t upload; and pio run -t uploadfs. All completed successfully. Could there be something wrong in the platformio.ini file or some other platform specific files? Debug Logging.txt

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

The debug shows an error in the serial communication (PlatformIO to ESP32). So the platformIO crashes, not the ESP32. Maybe the serial chip on the devkit fails. It seems that the crash happens at the moment the WiFi of the ESP32 is switched on. Are you sure you have a good power supply (at least 1 Amp) for the ESP32 connected to "VIN"? If you only connect via the USB of a PC/laptop there may be insufficient power. I always use a USB hub with external powe rsupply.

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Good thought. I am in the process of getting a powered USB hub. Today for the first time I received this error message: Never seen this before

Lesior commented 2 years ago

Hi I got the same problem. In my case I got debug message:

D: Connect to WiFi
D: WiFi Failed!  Trying to setup AP with name ESP32-Radio and password ESP32-Radio.
D: IP =

When I use the old build (https://github.com/Edzelf/ESP32-Radio) then the AP works fine. Therefore, I think there's something messed up with the libs or dependencies. I don't know what, though. Thanks for hard work Ed, by the way!


Edzelf commented 2 years ago

This is not an error message.  The IP address should be and the AP will be available.

Lesior commented 2 years ago

Exactly, I got IP address when I use the old ESP-Radio version. I disconnected all the peripherals and even created a new project in PlatformIO from scratch. Effect is that I can connect to the AP with WiFi, but the index.html page can't be displayed. And again when I do the same with the old version of the ESP-Radio I can connect and the index.html is displayed correctly. Additionally, in the Debug line I got error message: [E][AsyncTCP.cpp:729] connect(): error: -16

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

You probably forgot to upload the webpages to SPIFFS. Can you ping to Try to disconnect your PC from all other networks before connecting

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

I am now using a powered USB hub. Voltage measured at Vin in on ESP32 is 4.34 VDC and on 3V3 pin 3.37 VDC. So, the 3.3V regulator on the ESP32 board is functioning properly. Still no AP. Same results with three different ESP32 DOIT DEVKIT V1 boards. Was able to get an AP with the old code but not with the new code. I used a separate sketch I acquired and it established an AP (, with two way communications, with no problem. There must be something wrong with the main.cpp file, one of the libraries, a platformIO specific file or platformIO itself. I have no more Ideas. I now see someone else is having the same problem of not being able establish an AP.

tsctrl commented 2 years ago

i actually have the same issue.

i run the arduino sketch to set the preference. in v1 it set the value. in v2 it is not.

after run the sketch, i upload the firmware, connect to station open the config page and it is asking to create new default config. endup i manually fill up the config in v2.

in v1 all preferences was set once firmware was uploaded.

tsctrl commented 2 years ago

@wa8lbz , that issue shows if you install vs with client installer. need host installer to work with pio. and not related to the wifi issue

@Lesior you need to use spiff upload tools to upload the data folder to your esp spiffs partition.

i did have wifi connection issue on v1. there is some issue with the wifi library need to have it to be initialize with some additional commands. maybe wifi.disconnect() or something i cant recall.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

I have added the configuration parameter FIXEDWIFI in config.h. You also need the latest main.cpp for this feature. This will simplify the WiFi set-up. You may specify your WiFi SSID and password here. So it is not longer necessary to fight with the ESP32 Access Point.

Lesior commented 2 years ago

The latest change which Ed implemented works in regards of connecting to the WiFi network. However, even though the connection is established and IP is provided by my router's DHCP, when I connect to this IP, ESP32-Radio shows website with simple, but straight info: "sorry". Additionally, ESP32-Radio does not connect to the internet ratio.

 IP =
D: Start server for commands
D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA
D: MDNS responder started
D: Rotary encoder is disabled (-1/-1/-1)
D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1
D: Host selected is 2:
D: Connect to host
D: Connect to  on port 80, extension /
D: Request  failed!
D: Starting I2S playtask..
D: Output to internal DAC
D: Playtask stop song

I would need to dig deeper into this SPIFFS topic, but at the moment I don't even know what that is...

Lesior commented 2 years ago

obviously.... when you read manuals, life becomes easier. Everything is clearly described in the manual doc. Now I got the web-browsing working. Indeed I missed doing "pio run -t uploadfs". Thanks!

wa8lbz commented 2 years ago

Ed, Thanks for you hard work. After you last changes I can get the AP Web Interface at All is working except for a problem with preset. This will be a new issue for me.

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I am also having the same problem as the others but can't seem to find the problem. I Have this question ... What should be entered into Config.h line 16 for #FIXEDWIFI? My SSID/PW doesn't work. When I push the EN button on the ESP32, the first error that appears in the terminal output is SSID too long or is missing. Below is the printout. I am confused.


Edzelf commented 1 month ago

Please use the "Fri, 05 Jul 2024 13:40:00 GMT" version.

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I am still having problem running the 5 July 2024 version. The following commands pio run -t upload and pio run -t uploadfs uploaded with no problems. However, pressing the reset button on the ESP32 revealed errors in the device monitor readout. The full readout is supplied below. I am still confused as to what should be entered for FIXEDWIFI in the config.h. I tried my credentials and ESP32-Radio/ESP32-Radio and apparently neither of them are correct.


Edzelf commented 1 month ago

Just edit the definition in config.h: #define FIXEDWIFI "ARRIS-E4B1/ppppppppp" // Add a fixed SSID to the list (WiFi only) where "ppppppppp" is the password.

Otherwise, connect to de ESP-radio access point, browse to and edit the wifi setting in de config page of the webinterface as described in the documentation.

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I defined FIXEDWIFI in config.h to be ARRIS-E4B1/my password. Again the pio run -t upload and pio run -t uploadfs uploaded with no errors. I get the same results. The complete device monitor output is below. does not connect to the ESP-radio. device-monitor-240724-194030.log

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I think I might have found the problem, but I don't understand it. See Photo's 1 and 2. Photo 1 shows the wifi networks my computer sees and Photo 2 shows the wifi networks discovered in the device monitor output. Notice my wifi network is ARRIS-E4B1-5 but the device monitor shows ARRIS-E4B1. I only have one wifi network and it is ARRIS-E4B1-5.

Photo1 Photo 2

Edzelf commented 1 month ago

You are close. It must be the name of the network. Maybe the second hyphen ("-") is a problem. Can you change the network name to a simple name or add a (guest) network with a simple name? Note also that the network must be 2.4 GHz, 5 GHz does not work for an ESP32.

Did you try to connect your PC with the WiFi network of the ESP32. It name is "ESP32-Radio" and the key is also "ESP32-Radio".

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

If I select the ESP32-Radio network and enter I can gain access to ESP32-Radio. I changed my network name to ARRIS-E4B1, but I still get the same results. No such network found. I would really like to access ESP32-Radio without having to change networks like I did before.

Edzelf commented 1 month ago

Sorry, I'm out of solutions. There must be someting strange with your WiF network or with your ESP32. Could you try to connect to the network of a friend or neighbour?

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I did a little checking. My WiFi network is capable of operating at two speeds: ARRIS-E4B1 is 2.4 GHz and ARRIS-E4B1-5 is 5 GHz. I am using ARRIS-E4B1 (2.4 GHz). I too have come to the end of my ability to troubleshoot this problem. I am sorry because I really wanted the ESP32 Radio V2 project to work for me like the V1 did.

Edzelf commented 1 month ago

Sometimes it helps to fully erase the flash and to upload again.

wa8lbz63 commented 1 month ago

I just completed the following steps using the same ESP32:

  1. Checked to make sure that my local network is ARRIS-E4B1 2.4 GHz and it is.

  2. Started PIO and performed a PlatformIO Clean. Result was Success.

  3. Performed a ESP32 erase with pio run -t erase. Result was Success.

  4. Uploaded firmware to ESP32 with pio run -t upload. Result was Success.

  5. Uploaded file system to ESP32 with pio run -t uploadfs. Result was Succes.

  6. Pressed reset button on ESP32 and observed Device Monitor output. Result, I can now gain control of the ESP32 Radio with

Something in the above steps seems to have solved the problem.