Edzelf / ESP32Radio-V2

New version of the well known ESP32 Radio. Now optional I2S output!
Apache License 2.0
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Problems at compilation Arduino IDE 1.8.20 #50

Closed Fabri54 closed 2 years ago

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Hi, I'm moving to version 2 but at compilation time I get the following error messages:

/var/folders/jm/8ykp7mhd767fgdf5t617f21c0000gn/T/arduino_build_301023/sketch/LCD2004.cpp.o:(.bss.dline+0x0): multiple definition of dline' /var/folders/jm/8ykp7mhd767fgdf5t617f21c0000gn/T/arduino_build_301023/sketch/LCD1602.cpp.o:(.bss.dline+0x0): first defined here /Users/fabriziobianchi/Library/Arduino15/packages/esp32/tools/xtensa-esp32-elf-gcc/1.22.0-97-gc752ad5-5.2.0/bin/../lib/gcc/xtensa-esp32-elf/5.2.0/../../../../xtensa-esp32-elf/bin/ld: Warning: size of symboldline' changed from 40 in /var/folders/jm/8ykp7mhd767fgdf5t617f21c0000gn/T/arduino_build_301023/sketch/LCD1602.cpp.o to 80 in /var/folders/jm/8ykp7mhd767fgdf5t617f21c0000gn/T/arduino_build_301023/sketch/LCD2004.cpp.o collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

I've a BLUETFT display, the rotary encoder and IR receiver. The hardware works fine with version 1 even if I'm experiencing some problems but they may be subject of another post. Has anybody any suggestion? Thank you

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Try to do a "clean" and/or remove .pio and .vscode directories. Show us your config.h Sorry, I see that you use Arduino IDE. It looks like config.h is not seen by IDE. Did you follow the instructions in the documentation about compiling in IDE?

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

I did it, a few weeks ago when I first tried V2 but I had left some libraries in the working directory as I have a Nextion and an OLED display and want to leave what necessary to play with them. This time I followed to the letter the instructions and left the minimum needed for BLUETFT in the working directory. The .ino sketch compiles, is linked and can be written to the ESP32 without any issue. However I don't see where I can assign the pins like V1 and at the reset I get

17:40:01.010 -> D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. 17:40:01.010 -> D: Version Sun, 15 May 2022 10:30:00 GMT. Free memory 113792 17:40:01.010 -> D: Display type is BLUETFT 17:40:01.114 -> D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 0 17:40:01.114 -> D: Found partition 'nvs ' at offset 0x009000 with size 20480 17:40:01.150 -> D: Found partition 'otadata ' at offset 0x00E000 with size 8192 17:40:01.150 -> D: Found partition 'spiffs ' at offset 0x290000 with size 1507328 17:40:01.150 -> D: Read 0 keys from NVS 17:40:01.150 -> D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 17:40:01.150 -> D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 17:40:01.150 -> D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 17:40:01.150 -> D: GPIO0 is HIGH 17:40:01.150 -> D: GPIO2 is HIGH 17:40:01.184 -> D: GPIO4 is HIGH 17:40:01.184 -> D: GPIO5 is HIGH 17:40:01.184 -> D: GPIO12 is HIGH 17:40:01.217 -> D: GPIO13 is HIGH 17:40:01.217 -> D: GPIO14 is HIGH 17:40:01.217 -> D: GPIO15 is HIGH 17:40:01.217 -> D: GPIO16 is HIGH 17:40:01.251 -> D: GPIO17 is HIGH 17:40:01.251 -> D: GPIO18 is HIGH 17:40:01.251 -> D: GPIO19 is HIGH 17:40:01.284 -> D: GPIO21 is HIGH 17:40:01.284 -> D: GPIO22 is HIGH 17:40:01.284 -> D: GPIO23 is HIGH 17:40:01.284 -> D: GPIO25 is HIGH 17:40:01.320 -> D: GPIO26 is HIGH 17:40:01.320 -> D: GPIO27 is HIGH 17:40:01.320 -> D: GPIO32 is HIGH 17:40:01.353 -> D: GPIO33 is HIGH 17:40:01.353 -> D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 17:40:01.353 -> D: GPIO35 is HIGH 17:40:01.387 -> D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 17:40:01.387 -> D: Start BLUETFT display 17:40:02.162 -> D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks 17:40:02.162 -> D: Added Vodafone-34350430-2p4 to list of networks 17:40:03.294 -> D: Scan Networks 17:40:05.000 -> D: Scan completed 17:40:05.000 -> D: Number of available networks: 4 17:40:05.000 -> D: 1 - Vodafone-xxxxxxxx-yy Signal: -51 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable 17:40:05.035 -> D: 2 - FASTWEB-1234567_EXT Signal: -86 dBm, Encryption WPA_WPA2_PSK, 17:40:05.035 -> D: 3 - Vodafone-7654321_EXT Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 17:40:05.035 -> D: 4 - DIRECT-04-HP OfficeJet 5200 Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 17:40:05.035 -> D: End of list 17:40:05.169 -> D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... 17:40:05.169 -> D: VS1053 not properly installed! 17:40:05.268 -> D: Connect to network 17:40:07.282 -> D: Try WiFi Vodafone-34350430-2p4 17:40:11.159 -> D: SSID = Vodafone-34350430-2p4 17:40:11.193 -> D: IP = 17:40:11.193 -> D: Start web server 17:40:11.193 -> D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA 17:40:11.193 -> D: MDNS responder started 17:40:12.191 -> D: Rotary encoder is disabled (-1/-1/-1) 17:40:12.191 -> D: Sync TOD 17:40:12.225 -> D: Sync TOD, new value is 17:40:12 17:40:14.237 -> D: nvs_get_str failed 1102 for key preset, keylen is 6, len is 150! 17:40:14.237 -> D: Contents: 17:40:14.237 -> D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 17:40:14.237 -> D: updateNr result is 0 17:40:14.237 -> D: nextPreset is 0 17:40:14.237 -> D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 17:40:14.275 -> D: Connect to host 17:40:14.275 -> D: Request failed!

and the TFT screen remains white I assume that the lack of pin assignment, with the exception of ski, miso and most may be a significant inconvenient but I'm so dumb that I don't find the file where they are set like V1.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

With your browser, go to and then to the config page. Here you add lines for your configuration. There is a example configuration available on that page. The documentation lists all possible settings.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

OK, I will do but I'm a bit baffled. Why not allowing to customise a config file to be loaded with the sketch or with the ESP32init.ino ?
Before sending this reply I tried connecting the Web Browser and I get connection timed out. What I'm missing?

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

I see that your SPIFFS is still empty. You have to upload the files in the data directory to SPIFFS. And you are right, you may use the init sketch to preload the configuration, but I think the web interface is more convenient.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Hem... here comes my lack of experience. I still cannot connect my browser to the IP address assigned by the router. Initially I got "connection timed out", now has turned into a polite "sorry". Consequently I cannot use the web interface to config the parameters, pins, etc. Now, which files should I load into the SPIFFS and how? My apologies for being a pain in the neck but I'm just a little step above "beginner" and here I'm stuck. Thank you

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

I'm sorry, I had completely forgot how to use SPIFFS. I've loaded the files contained into the Data folder. Now I can use the web interface. I'll try to configure all the parameters tomorrow

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Latest update. I've copied some config and pinning data in to the config windows of the web browser. Rotary Encoder works only for mute and vol+ / vol- commands IR remote works for all the exa codes in the configuration. the SD is not seen TFT display luminosity significantly reduced. At boot the screen is almost unreadable while it's OK (low luminosity) when playing an internet radio stream.. Any suggestion about how to overcome these issues? here is the diagnostic output at boot: 11:53:57.773 -> D⸮⸮H⸮]A⸮0xee 11:53:57.773 -> clk_drv:0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 11:53:57.773 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 11:53:57.803 -> load:0x3fff0018,len:4 11:53:57.803 -> load:0x3fff001c,len:1216 11:53:57.803 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4 11:53:57.803 -> load:0x40078000,len:10944 11:53:57.803 -> load:0x40080400,len:6388 11:53:57.803 -> entry 0x400806b4 11:54:01.134 -> 11:54:01.134 -> D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. 11:54:01.134 -> D: Version Sun, 15 May 2022 10:30:00 GMT. Free memory 113792 11:54:01.167 -> D: Display type is BLUETFT 11:54:01.235 -> D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 33383 11:54:01.235 -> D: Found partition 'nvs ' at offset 0x009000 with size 20480 11:54:01.272 -> D: Found partition 'otadata ' at offset 0x00E000 with size 8192 11:54:01.272 -> D: Found partition 'spiffs ' at offset 0x290000 with size 1507328 11:54:01.272 -> D: Read 55 keys from NVS 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_ir set to 35 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_enc_clk set to 25 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_enc_dt set to 26 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_enc_sw set to 27 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_tft_cs set to 15 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_tft_dc set to 2 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_vs_cs set to 5 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_vs_dcs set to 16 11:54:01.272 -> D: pin_vs_dreq set to 4 11:54:01.307 -> D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 11:54:01.307 -> D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 11:54:01.307 -> D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 11:54:01.307 -> D: GPIO0 is HIGH 11:54:01.307 -> D: GPIO2 is HIGH 11:54:01.307 -> D: GPIO4 is HIGH 11:54:01.344 -> D: GPIO5 is HIGH 11:54:01.344 -> D: GPIO12 is HIGH 11:54:01.344 -> D: GPIO13 is HIGH 11:54:01.344 -> D: GPIO14 is HIGH 11:54:01.378 -> D: GPIO15 is HIGH 11:54:01.378 -> D: GPIO16 is HIGH 11:54:01.378 -> D: GPIO17 is HIGH 11:54:01.378 -> D: GPIO18 is HIGH 11:54:01.411 -> D: GPIO19 is HIGH 11:54:01.411 -> D: GPIO21 is HIGH 11:54:01.411 -> D: GPIO22 is HIGH 11:54:01.444 -> D: GPIO23 is HIGH 11:54:01.444 -> D: GPIO25 is HIGH 11:54:01.444 -> D: GPIO26 is HIGH 11:54:01.478 -> D: GPIO27 is HIGH 11:54:01.478 -> D: GPIO32 is HIGH 11:54:01.478 -> D: GPIO33 is HIGH 11:54:01.478 -> D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 11:54:01.515 -> D: GPIO35 is HIGH 11:54:01.515 -> D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 11:54:01.515 -> D: gpio_00 will execute uppreset = 1 11:54:01.515 -> D: gpio_12 will execute upvolume = 2 11:54:01.515 -> D: gpio_13 will execute downvolume = 2 11:54:01.515 -> D: Enable pin 35 for IR 11:54:01.515 -> D: Start BLUETFT display 11:54:02.302 -> D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks 11:54:02.302 -> D: Added Vodafone-34350430-2p4 to list of networks 11:54:02.302 -> D: Added Vodafone-34350430-2p4 to list of networks 11:54:02.302 -> D: Added NG_BIAN to list of networks 11:54:03.425 -> D: Scan Networks 11:54:05.365 -> D: Scan completed 11:54:05.365 -> D: Number of available networks: 10 11:54:05.365 -> D: 1 - Vodafone-34350430-2p4 Signal: -47 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable 11:54:05.365 -> D: 2 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -82 dBm, Encryption ????, 11:54:05.365 -> D: 3 - FASTWEB-1-984BD5_EXT Signal: -87 dBm, Encryption WPA_WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.365 -> D: 4 - CASA DEL GATTO Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.398 -> D: 5 - Vodafone-C01400156_EXT Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.398 -> D: 6 - TIM-18580995 Signal: -90 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.398 -> D: 7 - Vodafone-WiFi Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption OPEN, 11:54:05.398 -> D: 8 - Vodafone-34640164 Signal: -93 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.398 -> D: 9 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -95 dBm, Encryption ????, 11:54:05.432 -> D: 10 - FASTWEB-1-984BD5 Signal: -96 dBm, Encryption WPA_WPA2_PSK, 11:54:05.432 -> D: End of list 11:54:05.432 -> D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 3, relative is 0 11:54:05.432 -> D: updateNr result is 0 11:54:05.432 -> D: nextPreset is 0 11:54:05.568 -> D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... 11:54:05.836 -> D: Fast SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers again... 11:54:07.187 -> D: Connect to network 11:54:22.518 -> D: SSID = Vodafone-34350430-2p4 11:54:22.518 -> D: IP = 11:54:22.518 -> D: Start web server 11:54:22.518 -> D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA 11:54:22.518 -> D: MDNS responder started 11:54:23.501 -> D: Rotary encoder is enabled 11:54:23.501 -> D: Sync TOD 11:54:23.568 -> D: Sync TOD, new value is 11:54:23 11:54:25.592 -> D: updateNr 0 <= 11 to 3, relative is 0 11:54:25.592 -> D: updateNr result is 3 11:54:25.592 -> D: nextPreset is 3 11:54:25.592 -> D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 11:54:25.592 -> D: Connect to host airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192 11:54:25.625 -> D: Song stopped correctly after 0 msec 11:54:25.791 -> D: send GET command 11:54:25.924 -> D: Switch to HEADER 11:54:25.924 -> D: Headerline: Content-Type: audio/mpeg 11:54:25.924 -> D: Headerline: icy-br:192 11:54:25.924 -> D: Headerline: ice-audio-info: ice-samplerate=44100;ice-bitrate=192;ice-channels=2 11:54:25.924 -> D: Headerline: icy-br:192 11:54:25.924 -> D: Headerline: icy-description:Magic Oldies Florida HD 192 Kbps with the Best Oldies on the Planet! 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: icy-genre:Oldies 60s, 70s, 80s 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: icy-name:Magic Oldies Florida 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: icy-private:0 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: icy-pub:1 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: icy-url:http://www.magicoldiesflorida.com 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: Server: Icecast 2.4.0-kh12 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store 11:54:25.958 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: * 11:54:25.992 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type 11:54:25.992 -> D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS, HEAD 11:54:25.992 -> D: Headerline: Connection: Close 11:54:25.992 -> D: Headerline: Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT 11:54:25.992 -> D: Headerline: icy-metaint:16000 11:54:25.992 -> D: Switch to DATA, bitrate is 192, metaint is 16000 11:54:26.393 -> D: Streamtitle found, 34 bytes 11:54:26.393 -> D: StreamTitle='Donovan - Atlantis ';

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Last thing, in the configuration I've deleted the pin correspondence for I2S signals

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

The backlight of your display is probable connected to 3.3 Volt instead of 5 Volt. The SD is probably not configured in your config.h and the Chip Select pin for it is not configured in NVS. I do not know what is wrong with the rotary encoder, but you should see click and rotation events in the serial debug output.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

The backlight is indeed connected to 3.3V but there were no luminosity issues before moving from V1 to V2. The SDCARD is defined in config.h Pin 15 is assigned to sd_cs (only thing inherited from V1 is that the TFT and SD chip selects are the same signal, pin 15 (V1 worked only in that way) I do see the results of rotating and clicking the rotary encoder but only mute works 12:18:21.803 -> D: Single click 12:18:21.803 -> D: Mute set to 1 12:18:33.417 -> D: Single click 12:18:33.417 -> D: Mute set to 0

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

I mean the cs of the SD, not of the display. The brightness of the display backlight does not depend on software. Rotary switch: does the double click and triple click and maybe the long click work as programmed?

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

The chip select of TFT and SD with V1 had to be connected to the same GPIO = 15 in order to have most of the basic functionalities. double click and triple click and maybe the long click are detected but no action follows 13:23:32.768 -> D: Triple click 13:23:32.768 -> D: No tracks on SD (SD card is not detected and mounted but may be the cs in common with TFT) 13:23:38.120 -> D: Long click 13:23:38.120 -> D: Radiofuncs cmd is 2 13:23:38.290 -> D: Stopping client 13:23:49.001 -> D: Long click 13:23:49.001 -> D: Radiofuncs cmd is 2 What is the long click supposed to do?

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

Good idea about the chip select, but it will not work :) I will check the functionality of double-, triple- and long click later. It should be in the document somewhere.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

It's weird, perhaps I was expecting a quicker reaction time but, the double click is now working: it allows to chose a station among the presets (double click, enter in the selection mode, rotate the encoder until you see the desired station on the display, click to confirm ) It's just slow in connecting to the chosen Internet Radio. Recapping : 1-click mute/unmute works, 2-click, rotate to select new preset radio, confirm with 1-click works (if the confirmation click is not timely or not read by the ESP32 the selection reverts to preset 0. 3-click should go to MP3 player and chose a file, but it still is not working as it cannot mount the SD (have to find the good chip select, some I tried caused the whole thing to crash) long click unknown use. Additional check on IR. Doesn't work all the times. Sometimes it is useful to unlock the radio when a command through the rotary encoder gets the system stuck and sometimes the IR get the system stuck and the rotary encoder unlock it I'm going to play with the chip select for the SD card reader.

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

I have added some more info on the rotary encoder in chapter 12 of the document.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Great! Thank you. In the meantime I moved the SD card chip select to GPIO14 and now the SD is mounted and read (not all the times but I suspect the wiring and the breadboard being the culprits of some hiccups). With the triple click I can access the selection of files and pick one for playback. Web interface seems to work as well.