Edzelf / ESP32Radio-V2

New version of the well known ESP32 Radio. Now optional I2S output!
Apache License 2.0
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Unable to build a second ESP32 Radio #59

Closed Fabri54 closed 1 year ago

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Hi, it's with a lot of shame that I'm writing this post. I've built a first ESP32 Radio V2, boxed it and it is now playing on the background while I'm typing. It has been built copying the prototype breadboard into a more structured and clean one. IR, Rotary, SD (Red TFT) are all working and I simply transplanted the ESP32 - WROOM - 32 from the protoboard to the final one. Actually I have used a slightly better audio amp and, with a proper single power supply (9V/3A + 7805 to provide 5V to ESP32), I didn't even need the decoupling audio transformers to get a more than decent audio. However the point here is that I'm now playing with the protoboard (not a single wire has been changed) but I cannot get the ESP32 Radio working anymore. I've tried two ESP32 modules. I've erased all the flash with the esptool.py. I've written the content of the Data folder into the SPIFFS and I've checked that the files are there and read the defaultprefs.txt. It contains exactly what is needed and it's a copy of the one which is running on the working model but, whatever I do I get the following output on the serial monitor (using Arduino IDE 1.8.20)

12:36:27.313 -> ⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮⸮@Q*R⸮⸮VVHh⸮⸮}⸮⸮⸮⸮0x00,q_drv:0x00,d_drv:0x00,cs0_drv:0x00,hd_drv:0x00,wp_drv:0x00 12:36:27.313 -> mode:DIO, clock div:1 12:36:27.313 -> load:0x3fff0018,len:4 12:36:27.313 -> load:0x3fff001c,len:1216 12:36:27.313 -> ho 0 tail 12 room 4 12:36:27.313 -> load:0x40078000,len:10944 12:36:27.313 -> load:0x40080400,len:6388 12:36:27.313 -> entry 0x400806b4 12:36:30.620 -> 12:36:30.620 -> D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. 12:36:30.620 -> D: Version Sun, 15 May 2022 10:30:00 GMT. Free memory 113792 12:36:30.653 -> D: Display type is BLUETFT 12:36:30.722 -> D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 33634 12:36:30.756 -> D: Found partition 'nvs ' at offset 0x009000 with size 20480 12:36:30.756 -> D: Found partition 'otadata ' at offset 0x00E000 with size 8192 12:36:30.756 -> D: Found partition 'spiffs ' at offset 0x290000 with size 1507328 12:36:30.756 -> D: Read 6 keys from NVS 12:36:30.756 -> D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 12:36:30.756 -> D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 12:36:30.756 -> D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 12:36:30.756 -> D: GPIO0 is HIGH 12:36:30.789 -> D: GPIO2 is HIGH 12:36:30.789 -> D: GPIO4 is HIGH 12:36:30.789 -> D: GPIO5 is HIGH 12:36:30.789 -> D: GPIO12 is HIGH 12:36:30.822 -> D: GPIO13 is HIGH 12:36:30.822 -> D: GPIO14 is HIGH 12:36:30.822 -> D: GPIO15 is HIGH 12:36:30.857 -> D: GPIO16 is HIGH 12:36:30.857 -> D: GPIO17 is HIGH 12:36:30.857 -> D: GPIO18 is HIGH 12:36:30.895 -> D: GPIO19 is HIGH 12:36:30.895 -> D: GPIO21 is HIGH 12:36:30.895 -> D: GPIO22 is HIGH 12:36:30.895 -> D: GPIO23 is HIGH 12:36:30.929 -> D: GPIO25 is HIGH 12:36:30.929 -> D: GPIO26 is HIGH 12:36:30.929 -> D: GPIO27 is HIGH 12:36:30.929 -> D: GPIO32 is HIGH 12:36:30.964 -> D: GPIO33 is HIGH 12:36:30.964 -> D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 12:36:30.964 -> D: GPIO35 is HIGH 12:36:30.998 -> D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP 12:36:30.998 -> D: Start BLUETFT display 12:36:31.761 -> D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks 12:36:31.761 -> D: Added Vodafone-34350430-2p4 to list of networks 12:36:32.895 -> D: Scan Networks 12:36:34.997 -> D: Scan completed 12:36:34.997 -> D: Number of available networks: 12 12:36:34.997 -> D: 1 - FASTWEB-UF6NAC_EXT Signal: -81 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:34.997 -> D: 2 - Vodafone-C01400156_EXT Signal: -82 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.032 -> D: 3 - CASA DEL GATTO Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.032 -> D: 4 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption ????, 12:36:35.032 -> D: 5 - FASTWEB-UF6NAC Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.032 -> D: 6 - Vodafone-A85617501 Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.032 -> D: 7 - Vodafone-WiFi Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption OPEN, 12:36:35.068 -> D: 8 - WOW FI - FASTWEB Signal: -89 dBm, Encryption ????, 12:36:35.068 -> D: 9 - HOLLY-WIFI Signal: -91 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.068 -> D: 10 - Mesh_B10 Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.068 -> D: 11 - TIM-18580995 Signal: -94 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.068 -> D: 12 - NG_BIAN Signal: -96 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, 12:36:35.068 -> D: End of list 12:36:35.068 -> D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 12:36:35.103 -> D: updateNr result is 0 12:36:35.103 -> D: nextPreset is 0 12:36:35.211 -> D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... 12:36:35.211 -> D: VS1053 not properly installed! 12:36:35.314 -> D: Connect to network 12:36:37.334 -> D: Try WiFi Vodafone-34350430-2p4 12:36:39.538 -> D: WiFi Failed! Trying to setup AP with name ESP32-Radio and password ESP32-Radio. 12:36:39.538 -> D: IP = 12:36:39.538 -> D: Start web server 12:36:40.554 -> D: Rotary encoder is disabled (-1/-1/-1) 12:36:42.545 -> D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 12:36:42.580 -> D: updateNr result is 0 12:36:42.580 -> D: nextPreset is 0

It's driving me mad. Any suggestion where to look for the cause of this unexpected behaviour? Many thanks

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

The ESP32 Radio now works but I had to connect to its AP and insert the entire content of the "defaultprefs.txt" file with a copy and paste operation in the Config page of the web server. Actually there was no configuration data with the exception of the first six lines. I do not understand this behaviour. Have I done something wrong erasing the whole flash with the esptool.py ? When I write the content of the data folder to the SPIFFS the operation ends well and, as written, I can then read the list of files inside the SPIFFS as well as read what is inside each file. The module has the following configuration " ESP32 Dev Module, Disabled, Default 4MB with spiffs (1.2APP/1.5MB SPIFFS), 240MHz (WiFi/BT), QIO, 80MHz, 926100". Please help to understand what I'm doing wrong

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

You followed the correct procedure. There should be a button on the config page to load the defaultprefs.txt file directly. There is also an editable default network definition in config,h to directly connect in STA mode, The pins however must be configured in the config page.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

Thank you but I must be missing something. The defaultprefs.txt file is first written into the SPIFFS (it is there, I can read it) then when I load and run the ESP32Radio.ino I expect the program to read the txt file and use it at boot , while when I look at Config using the web access to ESP32-Radio AP it is practically empty. Why?

Here below is the defaultprefs.txt file as it is written into the SPIFFS using Arduino IDE. In addition if in Config.h I insert into #define FIXEDWIFI "MYWIFI/password" one of my wifi networks, at boot it doesn't connect to it and reverts to ESP32-Radio

Example configuration

Programmable input pins:

gpio_00 = uppreset = 1 gpio_12 = upvolume = 2 gpio_13 = downvolume = 2 gpio_14 = stop gpio_17 = resume gpio_34 = station = icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 #

MQTT settings

mqttbroker = none mqttport = 1883 mqttuser = none mqttpasswd = none mqttprefix = none

Enter your WiFi network specs here:

wifi_00 = Vodafone-34350430-2p4/**** wifi_01 = NG_BIAN/**** # volume = 72 toneha = 0 tonehf = 0 tonela = 0 tonelf = 0 # preset = 0 preset_00 = 101smoothjazz.com/101-smoothjazz.m3u # 0 - Smooth Jazz, California preset_01 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 # 1 - Easy Hits Florida 128k preset_02 = us2.internet-radio.com:8050 # 2 - CLASSIC ROCK MIA WWW.SHERADIO.COM preset_03 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192 # 3 - Magic Oldies Florida preset_04 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8008/1604_128 # 4 - Magic 60s Florida 60s Classic Rock preset_05 = us1.internet-radio.com:8105 # 5 - Classic Rock Florida - SHE Radio preset_06 = icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 # 6 - Radio 1, NL preset_07 = # 7 - 1.FM - GAIA, 64k preset_08 = skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3 # 8 - Skonto 128k preset_09 = # 9 - *ILR CHILL and GROOVE preset_10 = ihr/IHR_IEDM # 10 - iHeartRadio IHR_IEDM preset_11 = ihr/IHR_TRAN # 11 - iHeartRadio IHR_TRAN

Clock offset and daylight saving time

clk_server = pool.ntp.org # Time server to be used clk_offset = 1 # Offset with respect to UTC in hours clk_dst = 1 # Offset during daylight saving time (hours) #

IR codes

ir_629D = upvolume = 2 ir_A857 = downvolume = 2 ir_E21D = mute ir_E01F = downpreset = 1 ir_906F = uppreset = 1 ir_30CF = preset = 1 ir_18E7 = preset = 2 ir_7A85 = preset = 3 ir_10EF = preset = 4 ir_38C7 = preset = 5 ir_5AA5 = preset = 6 ir_42BD = preset = 7 ir_4AB5 = preset = 8 ir_52AD = preset = 9

GPIO pinnings

pin_ir = 35 # GPIO Pin number for IR receiver VS1838B # pin_enc_clk = 25 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "CLK" pin_enc_dt = 26 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "DT" pin_enc_sw = 27 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "SW" # pin_tft_cs = 15 # GPIO Pin number for TFT "CS" pin_tft_dc = 2 # GPIO Pin number for TFT "DC" # pin_vs_cs = 5 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "CS" pin_vs_dcs = 32 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "DCS" pin_vs_dreq = 4 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "DREQ" # pin_sd_cs = 14 # GPIO Pin number for SD card CS" #

I don't want to waste your time as, at the end of the day, I have two working ESP32-radio, the official one inside a wooden case and the prototype, but I'd really understand If I'm doing something wrong and, of course, what. Thank you and have a nice weekend

Edzelf commented 2 years ago

No, the defaultprevs.txt is not read at start-up. Only used for filling the config page on a button click.

Fabri54 commented 2 years ago

OK, eventually I understand. Thank you again. One last thing, if you are interested I can provide the schematic of the power supply, the picture and the link of the power amp I'm using and that didn't require me to insert the two audio transformers to avoid the digital noise into the audio