Edzelf / ESP32Radio-V2

New version of the well known ESP32 Radio. Now optional I2S output!
Apache License 2.0
183 stars 45 forks source link

New to this need a little help please, thank you #71

Open scaudle opened 1 year ago

scaudle commented 1 year ago

Hello and thanks for a great project. This is my first time with plaformio and a project of this size. Im new to all this.

I compiled ok and loaded ok which is great but it does not seem to work for me. I go to the ip address in the web and i get "SORRY"

Here is my terminal from running build.

any help on pointing me to the place to fix would be fantastic. I am very excited about this project.

Thanks a million to any one who helps me. :) Have a great day

Warning! Ignore unknown configuration option monitor_flags in section [env:esp32] --- forcing DTR inactive --- forcing RTS inactive --- Terminal on COM3 | 115200 8-N-1 --- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time --- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters --- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. D: Version Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:00:00 GMT. Free memory 110580 D: Display type is NEXTION D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 0 D: Found partition 'nvs ' at offset 0x009000 with size 20480 D: Found partition 'otadata ' at offset 0x00E000 with size 8192 D: Found partition 'spiffs ' at offset 0x290000 with size 1507328 D: Read 6 keys from NVS D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 D: GPIO0 is HIGH D: GPIO2 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO4 is HIGH D: GPIO5 is HIGH D: GPIO12 is HIGH D: GPIO13 is HIGH D: GPIO14 is HIGH D: GPIO15 is HIGH D: GPIO16 is HIGH D: GPIO17 is HIGH D: GPIO18 is HIGH D: GPIO19 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO21 is HIGH D: GPIO22 is HIGH D: GPIO23 is HIGH D: GPIO25 is HIGH D: GPIO26 is HIGH D: GPIO27 is HIGH D: GPIO32 is HIGH D: GPIO33 is HIGH D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO35 is HIGH D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: Start NEXTION display D: Init Nextion, pins 16, 17 D: Nextion command cls BLACK D: Nextion command page 0 D: NEXTION output 'Starting......' to 1 D: NEXTION output 'Thu, 03 Nov 2022' to 2 D: NEXTION output 'By Ed Smallenburg' to 3 D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks D: Added Littles-place to list of networks D: Scan Networks D: Scan completed D: Number of available networks: 12 D: 1 - Littles-place Signal: -46 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 2 - DIRECT-68-HP 1200 Neverstop Signal: -47 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 3 - Littles-place Signal: -48 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 4 - Littles-place Signal: -71 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 5 - Drslow Signal: -78 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 6 - ASUS 84 Signal: -82 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 7 - cofamilia Signal: -84 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 8 - Seo Family ASUS Signal: -87 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 9 - NETGEAR93a Signal: -88 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 10 - This is the Way Signal: -90 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 11 - chofam Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 12 - HP-Print-E2-LaserJet Pro MFP Signal: -92 dBm, Encryption OPEN, D: End of list D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 0 D: nextPreset is 0 E (6395) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (6396) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (6409) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (6409) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... D: VS1053 not properly installed! D: Connect to network D: NEXTION output 'Connect to network' to 4 D: Try WiFi Littles-place D: NEXTION output 'SSID = Littles-place' to 5 D: SSID = Littles-place D: IP = D: NEXTION output 'IP =' to 6 D: Nextion command page 1 D: Start web server D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA D: MDNS responder started D: Rotary encoder is disabled (-1/-1/-1) D: Sync TOD D: Sync TOD, new value is 06:19:27 D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 0 D: nextPreset is 0 D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 D: Connect to host D: Request failed! D: Nextion t0.txt="ESP32-Radio" D: Nextion t1.txt="" E (19203) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (19204) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (19209) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (19215) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error

Edzelf commented 1 year ago

"Sorry" means that you forgot to upload the files in the "data" directory into SPIFFS.  See also the 4th debug output line. Click on the PlatformIO icon on the left side, Under "Platform", click "Build Filesystem Image", wait for completion, click "Upload Filesystem Image". Alternatively, you may open a terminal and type “pio run -t uploadfs”.

scaudle commented 1 year ago

Edzelf, thank you , I have followed your post, I guess the file system worked as I now have a webpage. But there is no presets, and I am still unable to get it working. So sorry to be a pain, but thank you so much for your help. I am using a nodeMCU 32s from amazon. ESP WROOM 32 ESP32 Development Board 2.4GHz WiFi Dual Cores Microcontroller Integrated with Antenna RF Low Noise Amplifiers Filters and I have a VS1053. I do not have the monitor wired up yet.

Warning! Ignore unknown configuration option monitor_flags in section [env:esp32] --- forcing DTR inactive --- forcing RTS inactive --- Terminal on COM3 | 115200 8-N-1 --- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time --- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters --- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H D: NEXTION output 'SSID = Littles-place' to 5 D: SSID = Littles-place D: IP = D: NEXTION output 'IP =' to 6 D: Nextion command page 1 D: Start web server D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA D: MDNS responder started D: Rotary encoder is disabled (-1/-1/-1) D: Sync TOD D: Sync TOD, new value is 11:22:41 D: nvs_get_str failed 1102 for key preset, keylen is 6, len is 150! D: Contents: D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 0, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 0 D: nextPreset is 0 D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 D: Connect to host D: Request failed! D: Nextion t0.txt="ESP32-Radio" D: Nextion t1.txt="" E (21960) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error E (21961) gpio: gpio_set_level(226): GPIO output gpio_num error

Edzelf commented 1 year ago

You need to fill the preferences in the web-interface (config page). See the document page 3 "Preferences".

scaudle commented 1 year ago

Hi edzef

Yes I have done that, It appears to connect to one of the presents, I see data on port like song name etc. but now I am trying to see Why my vs1053 has no sound. The code says this is not a vs1053 but a vs1001 but the board says vs1053/vs1001 printed on it. I have ordered the hiLetgo OCM5102 I2S Its High quality lossless digital audio DAC Decoder with stereo DAC from amazon will get Tomorrow.

THANK YOU FOR YOUR REPLY, I am so excited to see this work I can’t sleep :)

Warning! Ignore unknown configuration option monitor_flags in section [env:esp32] --- forcing DTR inactive --- forcing RTS inactive --- Terminal on COM3 | 115200 8-N-1 --- Available filters and text transformations: colorize, debug, default, direct, esp32_exception_decoder, hexlify, log2file, nocontrol, printable, send_on_enter, time --- More details at https://bit.ly/pio-monitor-filters --- Quit: Ctrl+C | Menu: Ctrl+T | Help: Ctrl+T followed by Ctrl+H

D: Starting ESP32-radio running on CPU 1 at 240 MHz. D: Version Thu, 03 Nov 2022 13:00:00 GMT. Free memory 110580 D: Display type is NEXTION D: SPIFFS is okay, space 1378241, used 33634 D: Found partition 'nvs ' at offset 0x009000 with size 20480 D: Found partition 'otadata ' at offset 0x00E000 with size 8192 D: Found partition 'spiffs ' at offset 0x290000 with size 1507328 D: Read 48 keys from NVS D: pin_ir set to 35 D: pin_enc_clk set to 25 D: pin_enc_dt set to 26 D: pin_enc_sw set to 27 D: pin_tft_cs set to 15 D: pin_tft_dc set to 2 D: pin_vs_cs set to 5 D: pin_vs_dcs set to 22 D: pin_vs_dreq set to 4 D: Pin 5 is already reserved! D: pin_i2s_bck set to 5 D: pin_i2s_lck set to 32 D: Pin 4 is already reserved! D: pin_i2s_din set to 4 D: pin_spi_sck set to 18 D: pin_spi_miso set to 19 D: pin_spi_mosi set to 23 D: GPIO0 is HIGH D: GPIO2 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO4 is HIGH D: GPIO5 is HIGH D: GPIO12 is HIGH D: GPIO13 is HIGH D: GPIO14 is HIGH D: GPIO15 is HIGH D: GPIO16 is HIGH D: GPIO17 is HIGH D: GPIO18 is HIGH D: GPIO19 is HIGH D: GPIO21 is HIGH D: GPIO22 is HIGH D: GPIO23 is HIGH D: GPIO25 is HIGH D: GPIO26 is HIGH D: GPIO27 is HIGH D: GPIO32 is HIGH D: GPIO33 is HIGH D: GPIO34 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO35 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: GPIO39 is LOW, probably no PULL-UP D: gpio_00 will execute uppreset = 1 D: gpio_12 will execute upvolume = 2 D: gpio_13 will execute downvolume = 2 D: gpio_14 will execute stop D: gpio_17 will execute resume D: gpio_34 will execute station = icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3 D: Enable pin 35 for IR D: Start NEXTION display D: Init Nextion, pins 16, 17 D: Nextion command cls BLACK D: Nextion command page 0 D: NEXTION output 'Starting......' to 1 D: NEXTION output 'Thu, 03 Nov 2022' to 2 D: NEXTION output 'By Ed Smallenburg' to 3 D: Create list with acceptable WiFi networks D: Added Littles-place to list of networks D: Added Littles-place to list of networks D: Added Littles-place to list of networks D: Scan Networks D: Scan completed D: Number of available networks: 11 D: 1 - Littles-place Signal: -43 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 2 - Littles-place Signal: -52 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 3 - DIRECT-68-HP 1200 Neverstop Signal: -53 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 4 - Littles-place Signal: -68 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, Acceptable D: 5 - Drslow Signal: -69 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 6 - NETGEAR93a Signal: -76 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 7 - cofamilia Signal: -78 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 8 - Seo Family ASUS Signal: -79 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 9 - This is the Way Signal: -82 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 10 - ASUS 84 Signal: -84 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: 11 - chofam Signal: -90 dBm, Encryption WPA2_PSK, D: End of list D: updateNr 0 <= 0 to 6, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 0 D: nextPreset is 0 D: Slow SPI, Testing VS1053 read/write registers... D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0384 R1:FE00 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:04B0 R1:FE00 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:05DC R1:FE00 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0708 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0834 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0960 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0A8C R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0BB8 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0CE4 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0E10 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:0F3C R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:1068 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:1194 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:12C0 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:13EC R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:1518 R1:FE00 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:1644 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:1770 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:189C R1:0000 R2:0000 D: VS1053 SPI error. SB:19C8 R1:0000 R2:0000 D: This is not a VS1053, but a VS1001 instead! D: Connect to network D: NEXTION output 'Connect to network' to 4 D: NEXTION output 'SSID = Littles-place' to 5 D: SSID = Littles-place D: IP = D: NEXTION output 'IP =' to 6 D: Nextion command page 1 D: Start web server D: Network found. Starting mp3 client, mqtt and OTA D: MDNS responder started D: Rotary encoder is enabled D: Sync TOD D: Sync TOD, new value is 12:08:27 D: updateNr 0 <= 11 to 6, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 6 D: nextPreset is 6 D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 D: Connect to host icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3 D: Song stopped incorrectly! D: REG Contents D: --- ----- D: 0 - 808 D: 1 - 40 D: 2 - 0 D: 3 - 0 D: 4 - 18 D: 5 - AC45 D: 6 - 0 D: 7 - 0 D: 8 - 0 D: 9 - 0 D: A - 0 D: B - F8F8 D: C - 0 D: send GET command D: Nextion t0.txt="ESP32-Radio" D: Nextion t1.txt="" D: D - 0 D: E - 0 D: F - 0 D: Switch to HEADER D: Headerline: Content-Type: audio/mpeg D: Headerline: icy-br:192 D: Headerline: ice-audio-info: samplerate=48000;channels=2;bitrate=192 D: Headerline: icy-br:192 D: Headerline: icy-genre:Talk D: Headerline: icy-metadata:1 D: Headerline: icy-name:NPO Radio1 D: Headerline: icy-pub:0 D: Headerline: icy-url:http://www.radio1.nl http://www.radio1.nl/ D: Headerline: Server: Icecast 2.4.0-kh15 D: Headerline: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store D: Headerline: Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT D: Headerline: Connection: Close D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type, Icy-MetaData D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS, SOURCE, PUT, HEAD, STATS D: Headerline: icy-metaint:16000 D: Switch to DATA, bitrate is 192, metaint is 16000 D: Nextion t2.txt="NPO Radio1" D: Streamtitle found, 51 bytes D: StreamTitle='NPO Radio 1 - De Nieuws BV - BNNVARA'; D: Nextion t1.txt="NPO Radio 1\rDe Nieuws BV - BNNVARA" D: updateNr 6 <= 11 to 1, relative is 0 D: updateNr result is 1 D: nextPreset is 1 D: Radiofuncs cmd is 1 D: Stopping client D: Song stopped incorrectly! D: REG Contents D: --- ----- D: 0 - 808 D: 1 - 40 D: 2 - 3333 D: 3 - 0 D: 4 - 22D D: 5 - AC45 D: 6 - 0 D: 7 - 0 D: 8 - 0 D: 9 - 0 D: A - 0 D: B - F8F8 D: C - 0 D: D - 0 D: E - 0 D: F - 0 D: Connect to host airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 http://airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 D: send GET command D: Nextion t0.txt="ESP32-Radio" D: Nextion t1.txt="" D: Switch to HEADER D: Headerline: Content-Type: audio/mpeg D: Headerline: icy-br:128 D: Headerline: ice-audio-info: ice-samplerate=44100;ice-bitrate=128;ice-channels=2 D: Headerline: icy-br:128 D: Headerline: icy-description:Today's Easy Hits from the 70s, 80s, 90s through Today! D: Headerline: icy-genre:Easy Listening D: Headerline: icy-name:Easy Hits Florida D: Headerline: icy-private:0 D: Headerline: icy-pub:1 D: Headerline: icy-url:http://www.easyhitsflorida.com http://www.easyhitsflorida.com/ D: Headerline: Server: Icecast 2.4.0-kh12 D: Headerline: Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Origin: D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Headers: Origin, Accept, X-Requested-With, Content-Type D: Headerline: Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET, OPTIONS, HEAD D: Headerline: Connection: Close D: Headerline: Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT D: Headerline: icy-metaint:16000 D: Switch to DATA, bitrate is 128, metaint is 16000 D: Nextion t2.txt="Easy Hits Florida" D: Streamtitle found, 64 bytes D: StreamTitle='Olivia Newton John and Cliff Richards - Suddenly '; D: Nextion t1.txt="Olivia Newton John and Cliff Richards\rSuddenly " D: Streamtitle found, 48 bytes D: StreamTitle='Terry Jacks - Seasons In The Sun '; D: Nextion t1.txt="Terry Jacks\rSeasons In The Sun " D: Streamtitle found, 43 bytes D: StreamTitle='Christopher Cross - Sailing '; D: Nextion t1.txt="Christopher Cross\rSailing " D: Streamtitle found, 76 bytes D: StreamTitle='Daryl Hall & John Oates - Possession Obsession (12' Version) '; D: Nextion t1.txt="Daryl Hall & John Oates\rPossession Obsession (12' Version) "

On Dec 6, 2022, at 9:10 AM, Ed Smallenburg @.***> wrote:

You need to fill the preferences in the web-interface (config page). See the document page 3 "Preferences".

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Edzelf/ESP32Radio-V2/issues/71#issuecomment-1339696847, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AACVN556UO3ODNWF5HIF4GTWL5XPTANCNFSM6AAAAAASVC4A7A. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.

Edzelf commented 1 year ago

Pin 4 and 5 are double defined and conflicting.

scaudle commented 1 year ago

Hi :)

Ok here is a small issue. My ESP 32S does not have pin 16 Which shows in the esp32_radio_init.Ino. Line 71 that connects to VS1053 “DCS”

I changed 16 to 22 as in the docs it says under AI tanker kit that 21 and 22 are free, which might mean For something else but this is what I used.

I have not changed pin 4 or 5 and they are listed as 4 = DREQ and 5 = CS on the VS1053, Is there a different file I would look at to solve this.

I see on the web config that 4 and 5 are listed more than once but I did not list these, used default and only doc to pin 22

Here is web config

clk_dst = 1 # Offset during daylight saving time (hours) clk_offset = 1 # Offset with respect to UTC in hours clk_server = pool.ntp.org http://pool.ntp.org/ # Time server to be used # gpio_00 = uppreset = 1 gpio_12 = upvolume = 2 gpio_13 = downvolume = 2 gpio_14 = stop gpio_17 = resume gpio_34 = station = icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3 # ir_40BF = upvolume = 2 ir_C03F = downvolume = 2 # mqttbroker = none mqttpasswd = none mqttport = 1883 mqttprefix = none mqttuser = none # pin_enc_clk = 25 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "CLK" pin_enc_dt = 26 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "DT" pin_enc_sw = 27 # GPIO Pin number for rotary encoder "SW" pin_i2s_bck = 5 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "BCK" pin_i2s_din = 4 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "DIN" pin_i2s_lck = 32 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "L(R)CK" pin_ir = 35 # GPIO Pin number for IR receiver VS1838B pin_tft_cs = 15 # GPIO Pin number for TFT "CS" pin_tft_dc = 2 # GPIO Pin number for TFT "DC" pin_vs_cs = 5 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "CS" pin_vs_dcs = 22 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "DCS" pin_vs_dreq = 4 # GPIO Pin number for VS1053 "DREQ" # preset = 7 preset_00 = # 0 - NAXI LOVE RADIO, Belgrade, Serbia preset_01 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 http://airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8114/1648_128 # 1 - Easy Hits Florida 128k preset_02 = us2.internet-radio.com:8050 http://us2.internet-radio.com:8050/ # 2 - CLASSIC ROCK MIAMI 256k preset_03 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192 http://airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8000/1261_192 # 3 - Magic Oldies Florida preset_04 = airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8008/1604_128 http://airspectrum.cdnstream1.com:8008/1604_128 # 4 - Magic 60s Florida 60s Classic Rock preset_05 = us1.internet-radio.com:8105 http://us1.internet-radio.com:8105/ # 5 - Classic Rock Florida - SHE Radio preset_06 = icecast.omroep.nl:80/radio1-bb-mp3 http://icecast.omroep.nl/radio1-bb-mp3 # 6 - Radio 1, NL preset_07 = # 7 - 1.FM http://1.fm/ - GAIA, 64k preset_08 = skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3 http://skonto.ls.lv:8002/mp3 # 8 - Skonto 128k preset_09 = # 9 - *ILR CHILL and GROOVE preset_10 = ihr/IHR_IEDM # 10 - iHeartRadio IHR_IEDM preset_11 = ihr/IHR_TRAN # 11 - iHeartRadio IHR_TRAN preset_12 = # 12 - Brit_Com # toneha = 3 tonehf = 3 tonela = 3 tonelf = 3 # volume = 100 # wifi_00 = Littles-place/Molly100 wifi_01 = Littles-place/Molly100

On Dec 6, 2022, at 11:09 AM, Ed Smallenburg @.***> wrote:

Pin 4 and 5 are double defined and conflicting.

— Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub https://github.com/Edzelf/ESP32Radio-V2/issues/71#issuecomment-1339846128, or unsubscribe https://github.com/notifications/unsubscribe-auth/AACVN56WJBCXPGEEWHV7GRDWL6FOXANCNFSM6AAAAAASVC4A7A. You are receiving this because you authored the thread.

Edzelf commented 1 year ago

First remove lines: pin_i2s_bck = 5 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "BCK" pin_i2s_din = 4 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "DIN" pin_i2s_lck = 32 # GPIO Pin number for I2S "L(R)CK" if you are not using I2S device. This will solve the GPIO conflicts.\

The VS1003 (printing on the chip, not on the board) will work for mp3 stations.