Edzelf / Esp-radio

Internet radio based on Esp8266 and VS1053.
MIT License
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No Longer Connects To WiFi #219

Open wa8lbz63 opened 10 months ago

wa8lbz63 commented 10 months ago

I have compiled and uploaded VERSION "Fri, 11 Feb 2022 13:05:00 GMT" ESP_radio.ino sketch with no problems. The Radio.ini file remained unchanged and worked before. Now when I turn on the ESP_radio, it no longer connects to the WiFi. This is indicated by the "Connecting To WiFi" message in the display continuing indefinitely. I didn't see any changes in the manual pertaining to this latest software version.

I would like to say that didn't build this project just build it, I built it to use it and I do. This is why I am trying to stay current the changing code. Your help is greatly appreciated, and I hope my input is helpful to you.

wa8lbz63 commented 10 months ago

Line 22 of the ino says: Compiling: Set SPIFS to 3 MB. Set IwIP variant to "V1.4 Higher Bandwidth". My chices in the Arduino IDE 1.8.19 are: Tools > Flash Size "4MB (FS 3MB OTA-512KB)" and V2 Higher Bandwidth. It maybe that the flash is being written to the wrong place in memory or is some how being over written by something else.

Here is the printout from the data upload:

Data Upload