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Effect SQL Turso Adapter #3368

Open braden-w opened 1 month ago

braden-w commented 1 month ago

What is the problem this feature would solve?

There currently is no Turso/LibSQL adapter in the Effect ecosystem, although there are adapters for other providers such as d1.

What is the feature you are proposing to solve the problem?

Add a Turso/LibSQL Adapter called sql-turso for connections with remote databases on Turso, and perhaps local LibSQL databases on my machine.

This would be similar to how Drizzle has a Turso driver in their drizzle.config.ts as noted here:


And would be added to the collection of existing adapters:

What alternatives have you considered?

Not currently using Effect SQL Adapters, instead just wrapping queries with Effect.promise and Effect.tryPromise.

danielo515 commented 1 month ago

What will be the minimum to provide it your own codebase meanwhile?

braden-w commented 3 weeks ago

@danielo515 Sorry for the delay, had school stuff!

An identical API surface to the other SQLite Adapter sand such.

I really like and aspire to write the code in the drizzle example:

import { SqlClient } from "@effect/sql"
import * as SqliteDrizzle from "@effect/sql-drizzle/Sqlite"
import { SqliteClient } from "@effect/sql-sqlite-node"
import * as D from "drizzle-orm/sqlite-core"
import { Config, Effect, Layer } from "effect"

// setup

const SqlLive = SqliteClient.layer({
  filename: Config.succeed("test.db")
const DrizzleLive = SqliteDrizzle.layer.pipe(
const DatabaseLive = Layer.mergeAll(SqlLive, DrizzleLive)

// usage

const users = D.sqliteTable("users", {
  id: D.integer("id").primaryKey(),
  name: D.text("name")

Effect.gen(function*() {
  const sql = yield* SqlClient.SqlClient
  const db = yield* SqliteDrizzle.SqliteDrizzle
  yield* db.delete(users)
  yield* db.insert(users).values({ id: 1, name: "Alice" })
  const results = yield* db.select().from(users)

Ideally, I would love to just be able to change the setup:

const SqlLive = SqliteClient.layer({
  filename: Config.succeed("test.db")
const DrizzleLive = SqliteDrizzle.layer.pipe(
const DatabaseLive = Layer.mergeAll(SqlLive, DrizzleLive)

to a Turso setup. For context, this is what a current Drizzle + Turso setup would look like:

export const client = createClient({ url: env.TURSO_LOCAL_DATABASE_URL });

// or

export const client = createClient({
    authToken: env.TURSO_AUTH_TOKEN,

export const db = drizzle(client, { schema });
danielo515 commented 3 weeks ago

Sorry for the misunderstanding @braden-w I was not asking to you, my question was more to the Effect experts, asking for a workaround until this is available in effect.

datner commented 1 week ago

According to a maintainer, the libsql client is a superset of better-sqlite3 (https://github.com/tursodatabase/libsql/discussions/1449#discussioncomment-9858764), if that is the case then we might just swap one for the other for a quick win to make sqlite-node compatible with Turso.

@braden-w Are you willing to champion this? It should be a simple change of imports and supporting more properties in the options