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From Discord: Extracting an Interface for Reusable Service Implementation in Effect #707

Closed effect-bot closed 3 weeks ago

effect-bot commented 3 weeks ago



  1. User Inquiry: The user asked how to extract an interface from a service class in Effect-TS to create a reusable implementation.
  2. Example Provided: The user provided an example of a Random service class and wanted to know how to create a reusable implementation.
  3. Solution: Michael suggested using Context.Tag.Service<Random> to get the type for the reusable implementation.
  4. User Confirmation: The user confirmed that the solution worked.
  5. Documentation Query: The user asked why this information isn't mentioned in the documentation.
  6. Michael's Response: Michael speculated that it might have been forgotten and tagged @gcanti for visibility.

Key Takeaways:

Discord thread
