EffectOrientedProgramming / book

Effect-Oriented Programming: Creating Reliable Systems with Scala 3 and ZIO 2
222 stars 15 forks source link

Restore once the rest of the M6 upgrade #360

Closed github-actions[bot] closed 1 month ago

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

is complete for network <- ZLayer.service[Network] localHostName: ZEnvironment[String] <- NetworkAwareness .localHostName .toLayer container = apply(network.get) res: ZEnvironment[KafkaContainer] <- GenericInteractionsZ .manageWithInitialization( container, "kafka", KafkaInitialization.initialize( _, localHostName.get, topicNames ) ) .toLayer yield res */

Line: 41 https://github.com/EffectOrientedProgramming/book/blob/6c6ddfeb2ca5af6a8d501dc11067370d49235296/graveyard/rube/src/main/scala/testcontainers/KafkaContainerZ.scala#L38-L48