Efferent-Health / fo-dicom.Codecs

Cross-platform Dicom native codecs for fo-dicom
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how to use fo-dicom.Codecs in arm architecture? #31

Closed dantemayson closed 1 year ago

dantemayson commented 1 year ago

when i use in arm [07:32:01 ERR] GetFrameInstances()=> failed, EXP:System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. (Unable to load shared library 'Dicom.Native-linux64.so' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libDicom.Native-linux64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory) ---> System.DllNotFoundException: Unable to load shared library 'Dicom.Native-linux64.so' or one of its dependencies. In order to help diagnose loading problems, consider setting the LD_DEBUG environment variable: libDicom.Native-linux64.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory at FellowOakDicom.Native.Codec.DicomJpeg2000NativeCodec.Memset_Linux64(Void* ptr, Int32 value, UInt32 num) at FellowOakDicom.Native.Codec.DicomJpeg2000NativeCodec.Decode(DicomPixelData oldPixelData, DicomPixelData newPixelData, DicomCodecParams parameters) at FellowOakDicom.Imaging.Codec.DicomTranscoder.<>c__DisplayClass26_0.<Decode>b__0() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.InnerInvoke() at System.Threading.Tasks.Task.<>c.<.cctor>b__272_0(Object obj) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunFromThreadPoolDispatchLoop(Thread threadPoolThread, ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state)

jaime-olivares commented 1 year ago

Duplicated. See #28