Efficient-Large-Model / VILA

VILA - a multi-image visual language model with training, inference and evaluation recipe, deployable from cloud to edge (Jetson Orin and laptops)
Apache License 2.0
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About perception testset #49

Open mary-0830 opened 1 month ago

mary-0830 commented 1 month ago

Hello authors, Thanks for sharing fantastic jobs. Now I would like to ask where this dataset came from, can you share a link or data? "/lustre/fsw/portfolios/nvr/projects/nvr_elm_llm/dataset/video_datasets_v2/perception_test/"

Efficient-Large-Language-Model commented 1 month ago


Specifically https://storage.googleapis.com/dm-perception-test/zip_data/valid_videos.zip

mary-0830 commented 1 month ago


Specifically https://storage.googleapis.com/dm-perception-test/zip_data/valid_videos.zip

Thank you for your quick reply! I have two questions I would like to ask.

  1. Does the perception test not require gpt assistance for evaluation?
  2. Why is the input in the model_vqa_videoperception.py different from other vqa inference evaluations? def get_model_option returns loss?
Efficient-Large-Language-Model commented 1 month ago
  1. yeah, it does not require gpt assistance
  2. we followed the official repo to implemement the evaluation, you can refer to the offical repo