EgalYue / Mobile_Marker_Based_Navigation

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compare R_error, t_error, transfer_error in different Quadrant (fixed X = +-0.1, Y = +-0.1, Z = [0.5,2]) #3

Open EgalYue opened 6 years ago

EgalYue commented 6 years ago

Because the results in 4 quadrants are similar, i just post the result from the 4th quadrant

4 transfer_error_4

Figure 1,2 Method: ippe , cv2.SOLVEPNP_ITERATIVE



Figure 3,4 Method: ippe , cv2.SOLVEPNP_EPNP

4 transfer_error_4

Figure 5,6 Method: ippe ,cv2.SOLVEPNP_DLS


We can see that, thers is a good result about R_error and t_error, small cond num -> small R_error and t_error large cond num -> large R_error and t_error

But i did not get a satisfied result between cond num and transfer_error jet.

Still working on.............