Egalitaristen / LocalDev

A local developer agent
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Make a GUI similar to Devin #3

Open Egalitaristen opened 5 months ago

Egalitaristen commented 5 months ago

A desktop application that functions as an AI programming assistant, designed to run 100% locally without the need for any external API calls. The application will be built using React for the frontend interface, utilizing TypeScript for strong typing and code reliability. It will be wrapped within an Electron shell to enable native desktop capabilities and allow direct interaction with the operating system and the local Python environment.

The user interface will be divided into distinct components that handle different aspects of the application:

Chat Component: This is a conversational interface where users can type commands or queries, and the AI will provide responses. It will simulate a chat environment and provide real-time interaction with the AI.

Status Component: A dedicated area of the GUI will display a list of ongoing tasks, completed actions, and any other status updates from the AI. This component will provide feedback to the user on the operations that the AI is performing or has completed.

Console Component: Emulating a terminal, this part of the GUI will show the live output of scripts being executed. It's designed to look like a console window and will display the stdout and stderr streams from the Python environment.

The Electron framework will be responsible for managing the application's lifecycle, creating native menus, notifications, and other system interactions. The main process will leverage Node.js capabilities to spawn child processes, which in turn will execute the Python scripts. Electron's IPC (Inter-Process Communication) channels will be utilized for sending messages and commands between the renderer process (where the React application resides) and the main process (which handles the execution of Python code).

The Python backend will consist of scripts and possibly a full-fledged application that process the user's requests, execute the necessary logic, AI computations, and return the results. These scripts will be triggered directly by user actions in the React interface, and their output will be captured and displayed by the frontend.

This design allows for a seamless and integrated experience where the complexity of the backend processes is abstracted away from the user, providing them with an intuitive and responsive GUI. The entire application is packaged as a standalone executable that can be easily distributed and installed on various operating systems without the need for a complex setup or external dependencies.