EgbertW / redmine_planning

Redmine plugin that makes it easier to create a project planning
GNU General Public License v3.0
43 stars 29 forks source link

No visible Canvas #36

Open pabloinigoblasco opened 9 years ago

pabloinigoblasco commented 9 years ago

Hello, I have installed the plugin, and it looks well installed, I can configure it in administration>plugins. However when I go to the plan tab, I do not see anything, no canvas is visible, it's empty.

Do you know what is happening?

Environment: Redmine version 2.5.2.devel Ruby version 2.1.2-p95 (2014-05-08) [arm-linux-gnueabihf] Rails version 4.1.8 Environment production Database adapter PostgreSQL SCM: Git 2.1.4 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: redmine_agile 1.3.11 redmine_planning 1.0.0

hhschmidt commented 9 years ago

THANK you MadEgg for updating compatibility to redmine 3.x.x !!

But ... I seem to have the same above issue: installation was smooth, web-configuration page is shown just fine. But in any given project, the PLAN page is empty (no issues shown). Looks as if a filter returned no issues - see attached screencap (there are plenty, verified in the GANTT or ISSUES tab). And yes, I have granted the permissions to "plan" and "reschedule" tickets.

-> ? -> thank you for your comments

Environment: Redmine version 3.1.2.stable Ruby version 2.1.5-p273 (2014-11-13) [x86_64-linux-gnu] Rails version 4.2.4 Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.8.10 Darcs 2.8.5 Cvs 1.12.13 Bazaar 2.7.0 Git 2.1.4 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: redmine_mail_reminder redmine_planning 1.0.0


hhschmidt commented 8 years ago

I do not see any issue in the PLAN tab, even though there are many issues in the database. -> Did you have a chance to consider this issue? -> Any hint on what I am doing wrong? -> can you give me any other hint on what I could try to better understand why the canvas remains empty? Thanky you for your support. ;Henning

hhschmidt commented 8 years ago

I was able to find the cause and solve it. It was a permission problem in my apache server.

Solution is descibed here: (I had to apply the described changes to /etc/apache2/conf-available/redmine.conf)

I have no idea why this problem did not cause any more issues than just the redmine_planning plugin. But I do not really care anymore either. My problem is solved now.

gymprince commented 8 years ago

I have similar issue too. I followed this web site for setting up the redmine and my settings are:

Environment: Redmine version 3.2.1.stable Ruby version 2.3.1-p112 (2016-04-26) [x86_64-linux-gnu] Rails version Environment production Database adapter Mysql2 SCM: Subversion 1.9.3 Git 2.7.4 Filesystem
Redmine plugins: redmine_planning 1.0.0

Jiangshan00001 commented 8 years ago

ubuntu15.04 redmine3.2.1 stable

error: [Thu Dec 01 13:42:33.460014 2016] [core:error] [pid 13979] [client] AH00037: Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /home/svn/redmine/javascripts/raphael.js, referer: /usr/share/redmine/public/javascripts/raphael.js -> ../../../javascript/raphael/raphael.min.js

I have the same error. and solved it this way: 1 sudo apt-get install libjs-raphael 2 mv /usr/share/redmine/public/javascript/raphael.js /usr/share/redmine/public/javascript/raphael.js.bak 3 cp /usr/share/javascript/raphael/raphael-min.js /usr/share/redmine/public/javascript/raphael.js

and it works.

gymprince commented 8 years ago

Thanks Jiangshan. It works for me too. I found that the link is incorrect. The correct target file should be ../../../javascript/raphael/raphael-min.js

Jiangshan00001 commented 8 years ago

@gymprince yes, you are right, i have updated it. thanks