Fullstack Fruit & Veg Shop: A web application developed with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for the frontend, and Django for the backend. Features include user authentication, a product catalogue, shopping cart functionality, and order management. and much more
Resolved a problem where form data was not being captured correctly due to the presence of
multiple forms with overlapping field names. Added unique prefixes to each form, ensuring
that data is properly bound and validated upon submission.
Updated code within the views
Updated BillingAddressForm with prefix "billing_address_form".
Updated ShippingAddressForm with prefix "shipping_address_form".
Ensures unique identification of form fields when handling multiple forms on the same page,
preventing data conflicts during submission.
The forms now behaves correctly by submitting as well as saving in the datat to the db
Wire the ability to show the picture and the cover background to the userprofile from the views
Resolved a problem where form data was not being captured correctly due to the presence of multiple forms with overlapping field names. Added unique prefixes to each form, ensuring that data is properly bound and validated upon submission.
Updated code within the views
with prefix "billing_address_form".ShippingAddressForm
with prefix "shipping_address_form".The forms now behaves correctly by submitting as well as saving in the datat to the db