Eggs-D-Studios / wos-issues

Waste of Space bugs, suggestions, and other feedback
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Bolt cannon #25

Open Pextri opened 3 weeks ago

Pextri commented 3 weeks ago



Development (Unstable)


A game mechanic (e.g. a part, a feature, etc)

Why are you making your suggestion?

This weapon would add to the variety for specialized weapons to utilize in combat

What do you propose? What should change, or what should be added?

The bolt cannon would be an EMP-type weapon that does spreads minimal damage across multiple conducted (metal) parts, but does more damage to affected electronics, as well as a chance to temporarily disable them. They would presumably be a charge up weapon that fires a lightning bolt at a ship. This would require ships to have isolated armor sections and interiors. Instead of adding this effect to a new weapon, it could also be applies to the plasma effect of railgun

Hexcede commented 3 weeks ago

I love the idea of a weapon that fires chain lightning and electrifies stuff. Would be cool to add a cartoony electricity flash using similar code to what the temperature visualization does.