Eggs-D-Studios / wos-issues

Waste of Space bugs, suggestions, and other feedback
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Component suggestions #27

Open Pextri opened 3 weeks ago

Pextri commented 3 weeks ago



Development (Unstable)


A game mechanic (e.g. a part, a feature, etc)

Why are you making your suggestion?

Some small suggestions for upcoming components

What do you propose? What should change, or what should be added?

Rename blade component to ram (since not all the parts its applied to will be blade-like, and being velocity component meant to typically be mounted on a ship front the name also fits better imo)

Replace wing part to become a component instead, allowing for better customization for wingcraft

Hexcede commented 3 weeks ago

Rename blade component to ram (since not all the parts its applied to will be blade-like, and being velocity component meant to typically be mounted on a ship front the name also fits better imo)

I actually kinda love this so I am going to do it

Replace wing part to become a component instead, allowing for better customization for wingcraft

I'm actually just planning to turn on and configure Roblox's aerodynamic forces later