Eggs-D-Studios / wos-issues

Waste of Space bugs, suggestions, and other feedback
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Heat clocking of low conductivity parts at small sizes #49

Open NobodyImportant64 opened 2 weeks ago

NobodyImportant64 commented 2 weeks ago



Development (Unstable)

What happened? What did you expect to happen?

When scaled to a small size some parts exhibit a strange "clocking" behavior when they will cyclically and instantly shift in heat between absolute zero and over 1000F every second without ever seeming to actually approach equilibrium. The effect happens to all parts when scaled to small sizes but begins to occur at larger and larger sizes as the material's thermal conductivity decreases. Copper parts need to be scaled down to only a few 1/10s of a stud in each direction before exhibiting the behavior while parts like coal and sulfur exhibit the behavior in their default shape.

How can we reproduce this bug?

Spawn a part in an atmosphere. For easiest results use coal or sulfur Scale the part down to a very small size, or dont if you spawned coal or sulfur, or most other non metals.

The part will now start blinking is it is a metal or simply be shown to be heating and cooling for parts that do not glow.

A piece of sulfur, cycling between 16,443F and 0K: image



speeder5097 commented 2 weeks ago

my ship turns into star cus this bug, also seems to happen to some larger parts too