Eggs-D-Studios / wos-issues

Waste of Space bugs, suggestions, and other feedback
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Unstable random crashes #51

Open speeder5097 opened 2 weeks ago

speeder5097 commented 2 weeks ago



Development (Unstable)

What happened? What did you expect to happen?

The game randomly crashes, and then takes a few minutes to retrieve planet info once you rejoin. No idea what causes it, but it happens consistently if you play for a decent amount of time. It either gives this message: image or this one: image I've had both

How can we reproduce this bug?

  1. join unstable
  2. wait
  3. game should crash
  4. rejoin and you will be stuck waiting for the game to collect planet information


Most of the time

Hexcede commented 1 week ago

There is a Roblox engine bug causing the servers to crash that I haven't been able to find the cause of or work around.