Eggs-D-Studios / wos-issues

Waste of Space bugs, suggestions, and other feedback
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FluidProjectors leave the liquid projeciton after being deleted, and have a larger projection field than the visible field #74

Open D-7K opened 2 weeks ago

D-7K commented 2 weeks ago



Development (Unstable)

What happened? What did you expect to happen?

I used a fluid projector and set it to 100 studs in all dimensions I noticed that the swimming effect expanded outside of the original cube I deleted the fluid projector to try to get rid of this effect The fluid projector effect persisted. I have a video but cannot upload it due to the github file size limit.

How can we reproduce this bug?

Use a fluid projector Configure it to 100,100,100 Swim Delete the fluid projector Swim



D-7K commented 2 weeks ago

It is worth noting that ,leaving and rejoining the game fixes the persisting field

Hexcede commented 1 week ago

It's good to note that the fluid projector is basically a legacy part, it's not going to serve any purpose or become craftable.