EgoMooseOldProjects / Rbx_CustomFont

A custom font management system for Roblox
MIT License
21 stars 17 forks source link

Spacing is off #14

Closed Validark closed 8 years ago

Validark commented 8 years ago

As you can see, the font just doesn't turn out as it should. font compare

EgoMoose commented 8 years ago

Sorry for the late response. Cleaning up the code for the generator in this project is on my to-do list. I will look into this problem when I end up doing that.

Validark commented 8 years ago

This one works really well:

I modified it so I could keep a library like this:

local Fonts = {
    Roboto = {
        Regular = {
            [8]  = 470610229;
            [9]  = 470610317;
            [10] = 470610378;
            [11] = 470610465;
            [12] = 470610559;
            [14] = 470600299;
            [16] = 470610658;
            [18] = 470610816;
            [20] = 470610907;
            [22] = 470610946;
            [24] = 470610997;
            [26] = 470611043;
            [28] = 470611078;
            [36] = 470611132;
            [48] = 470611187;
            [72] = 470611246;

        Bold = {
            -- Don't actually have id's for this yet

        Italics = {

    OtherFont = {}

On each of those files, the data necessary is kept in the description of the image. Also, that way you can do Text.Bold = true and it can switch to the proper version of the font.

Validark commented 8 years ago

How long until you plan on reexamining this module?

EgoMoose commented 8 years ago

So sorry about that. I've had a lot of unexpected stuff pop up in my life over the past month that I've been really busy with and because of it I've not been able to get as much done as I would have liked to. The good news is that school is starting for me this week (I don't live at home during school) and once I get settled I'll have more time to work on it.

So in short, sorry for the delay, but I'll be working on it hopefully by next weekend!

Validark commented 8 years ago

Sorry for pestering you about this so much, but I would like to know when this can be expected to be fixed up. You said you hopefully can work on it this weekend, so is that still possible?

An interesting feature that I thought should be considered for implementation is tweening the type-prompt line. Here is a video displaying the feature I am referring to. I could work on this if you don't want to, but the generation code will need to be fixed first.