EgonOlsen71 / basicv2

A Commodore (CBM) BASIC V2 interpreter/compiler written in Java
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Implement short circuit evaluation for AND, OR #22

Open nippur72 opened 5 years ago

nippur72 commented 5 years ago
IF cond1 AND cond2 THEN ...
IF cond3 OR cond4 THEN ...

If cond1 is false there is no need to evaluate cond2, it will be always false. Similarly if cond3 is true no need to evaluate cond4 as it will be always true.

That could provide some speed increase. The only caution is that cond2 and cond4 should not contain call to impure functions (functions that have side effects) but to my knowledge almost all BASIC V2 functions are pure (except RND and FN?).

EgonOlsen71 commented 5 years ago

I already thought about this some time ago, but for some reason (that I don't remember ATM), it wasn't that easy to implement in this context. So I decided against it. When I find the time, I might take a look at it again...

EgonOlsen71 commented 5 years ago

Thinking about it, I remember my actual problem with it. This logic applies to AND and OR when they are boolean operators. But in BASIC V2, what they actually are, are bitwise AND and OR operators. That means, that

if x=5 and y=12 then...

can easily be optimized to

if x=5 then if y=12 then...

(which is the same as you've suggested, but in BASIC source code)

but something like

if a and 8 then...

can't. Or more complex:

if (b>2)*-8 and 2*b then ...

can't either. Right now, I'm lacking a clever idea how to separate these cases correctly without going overboard with it...hmm...

nippur72 commented 5 years ago

thinking about it... when evaluating the AST, your expression nodes might also include a isBoolean property that bubbles up to the root, e.g.

b<2 => return { ..., isBoolean: true }
b * 4  => return { ..., isBoolean: false }
expr1 AND expr2 => return { ..., isBoolean: expr1.isBoolean AND expr2.isBoolean }
expr1 OR expr2 => return { ..., isBoolean: expr1.isBoolean AND expr2.isBoolean }

then you can check the root node of your IF expression and if it's isBoolean you can apply short circuit optimization. Something like this.