EgonOlsen71 / basicv2

A Commodore (CBM) BASIC V2 interpreter/compiler written in Java
The Unlicense
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Run on X16 enumerator r32 #34

Closed ObelixSoftware closed 4 years ago

ObelixSoftware commented 4 years ago

I compile my BASIC program with the following command:

./ speed_test.bas /target=speed_test.prg /platform=x16 -generatesrc=true /addressheader=true

When I then open up the X16 enumerator r32:

./x16emu -echo -debug -run -prg peed_test.prg

The screen just go blank but i don't see my output.

Maybe an error in the generated prg ?

EgonOlsen71 commented 4 years ago

The compiler compiles against r33, it's not compatible with r32. You can either download the last r32 compatible release from the release page (edit: no, you can't...see my comment below) or use the r33 emulator instead, which is what I would recommend.

EgonOlsen71 commented 4 years ago

Oops...I've just noticed that there is no r32 release on the releases page. I guess your only option is to use the r33 emulator then...

lenniedv commented 4 years ago

Tested and works with r33 emulator

EgonOlsen71 commented 4 years ago

In theory, the compiler could compile for another ROM/emulator version by providing it with a different symbol table file (using the /symboltable=flag). However, for now the changes between releases of the emulator are so drastic that this alone doesn't cut it, I'm afraid.