EgonOlsen71 / basicv2

A Commodore (CBM) BASIC V2 interpreter/compiler written in Java
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BasicShell: Wrong output when PRINT with comma #53

Closed viteisele closed 1 year ago

viteisele commented 1 year ago

When PRINT with comma is used with BasicShell, e.g "PRINT 1,2" then following is printed:

1I 2

But instead an "I" a tab should be printed:

1 2

EgonOlsen71 commented 1 year ago

That was the TAB converted into the used PETSCII font...which doesn't make much sense. Should be fixed now.

viteisele commented 1 year ago

Looks much better now :-) Thank you

viteisele commented 1 year ago

I checked the tab again (because of C64Screen issue#6) and saw that the implemtation is not correct: according to the tab should be every 10 positions, but the implementation is every 8 positions.

EgonOlsen71 commented 1 year ago

Because the Basicshell just uses a Java text area for output, it can never be an exact representation of the actual machine's behaviour. However, I can set the tab size of it, so I changed it to 10.

viteisele commented 1 year ago

Perfect, like a real C64 :-)