Egyras / HeishaMon

Panasonic Aquarea air-water H, J, K and L series protocol decrypt
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Incorrect sequence #181

Closed geduxas closed 3 years ago

geduxas commented 3 years ago

Please fix that, COP calculation should be after power calculations.

MiG-41 commented 3 years ago

But there arn't any power calculations .... They are pure received values. If i understood you correct , COP calculation can be made earlier as well.

geduxas commented 3 years ago

COP calculated from sensor.heishamon_w_production and sensor.heishamon_w_consumption this is calculated later in YAML

MiG-41 commented 3 years ago

sensor.heishamon_w_production and sensor.heishamon_w_consumption are not calculated , they have value received from mqtt.

geduxas commented 3 years ago

no, from MQTT you get sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_produced, sensor.aquarea_power_produced, sensor.aquarea_dhw_power_consumed, sensor.aquarea_power_consumed and from that

you get 'sensor.heishamon_w_production and sensor.heishamon_w_consumption. Because it is after COP calculation, HA always displays 0

geduxas commented 3 years ago

I have committed pull request

MiG-41 commented 3 years ago

At my side HA calculate COP, and it is not 0 when HP runs , but ok , now i see the point.

geduxas commented 3 years ago

maybe yours's yaml configuration is different? I didn't get anything than 0 from first try. I am new here, maybe 2 month's :) Only switching orders COP/Energy solved my problems.

MiG-41 commented 3 years ago

I had identical to actual one . Just now changed to your proposal to see if this calculation still be ok . But there were complains from others , that this COP is not calculating at all. So hopfully this solve that problem on some users. Also in case of HA i'm rookie , and can't tell why at my place his worked....

trsqr commented 3 years ago

Same here, I see COP calculation despite the order (my heishamon.yaml is pretty customized though), but I had other people in another discussion forum that were not able to get it working. Let's see if this fixes it.

MiG-41 commented 3 years ago

I changed order , and it is ok also. From my opinion actual also should work , since this four sensor.heishamon.... should have some values from previous read . So COP could not be as actual , but still should be calculated... But agree ,this change should do it better.