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Implement CRUD Operations for Category Entity in ASP.NET Core Web API #36

Closed ehsan-nadernezhad closed 6 days ago

ehsan-nadernezhad commented 1 week ago

Create a Controller: Develop a CategoryController to handle HTTP requests. Implement the following actions: GET /api/Category: Retrieve all categories. GET /api/Category/{id}: Retrieve a specific category by ID. POST /api/Category: Create a new category. PUT /api/Category/{id}: Update an existing category. DELETE /api/Category/{id}: Delete a category by ID. Service Layer: Create an ICategoryService interface to define the CRUD operations. Implement the CategoryService class to handle business logic and interact with the database. Repository Pattern: Implement the ICategoryRepository interface and CategoryRepository class to manage data access. Use the Unit of Work pattern to coordinate the repositories. Database Context: Ensure the ApplicationDbContext is correctly configured to include the Categories DbSet. Apply necessary migrations to update the database schema. Error Handling: Handle potential errors such as invalid data, not found entities, and database exceptions. Ensure meaningful error messages are returned to the client. Steps to Reproduce:

Set up the ASP.NET Core Web API project. Implement the controller, service, and repository as described. Configure the database context and apply migrations. Test the CRUD operations using tools like Swagger or Postman. Expected Outcome: The API should support full CRUD operations for the Category entity, allowing clients to create, read, update, and delete categories through HTTP requests.