Closed VLoegler closed 1 year ago
I was able to find and fix this, thank you for the report and the stack trace. I'll be releasing an update shortly, I'll let you know when it's ready.
This should be fixed in 2.2.1, which is up now. The pipeline will pick up from where it failed. I am running a test now to confirm. Let me know if it succeeds or still fails.
I worked with my data, thanks a lot !
While running pav, a few jobs end up with an error because the module ply.lex is not found. I'm attaching the log file, and here is an example of error:
Error in rule call_lg_discover: jobid: 0 input: results/HG00733/align/aligned_tig_h1.bed.gz, temp/HG00733/lg_sv/batch_h1.tsv.gz, temp/HG00733/align/contigs_h1.fa.gz, temp/HG00733/align/contigs_h1.fa.gz.fai, data/ref/n_gap.bed.gz output: temp/HG00733/lg_sv/batch/sv_ins_h1_2.bed.gz, temp/HG00733/lg_sv/batch/sv_del_h1_2.bed.gz, temp/HG00733/lg_sv/batch/sv_inv_h1_2.bed.gz log: log/HG00733/lg_sv/log/lg_sv_h1_2.log (check log file(s) for error message)
RuleException: RuntimeError in line 79 of /opt/pav/rules/call_lg.snakefile: Received return code 1 from scripts/ for region chromosome14:94426-104523: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/opt/pav/scripts/", line 23, in
import pavlib
File "/opt/pav/pavlib/", line 3, in
from . import asmstat
File "/opt/pav/pavlib/", line 10, in
import svpoplib
File "/opt/pav/dep/svpop/svpoplib/", line 4, in
from . import svmergeconfig
File "/opt/pav/dep/svpop/svpoplib/svmergeconfig/", line 3, in
from . import lexer
File "/opt/pav/dep/svpop/svpoplib/svmergeconfig/", line 1, in
import ply.lex
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'ply.lex'