Eilene / GWNN

A TensorFlow implementation of Graph Wavelet Neural Network
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运行程序时出现 #4

Open boyizhea opened 5 years ago

boyizhea commented 5 years ago

InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): No OpKernel was registered to support Op 'SparseMatMul' used by node wavelet_convolution_1/MatMul (defined at E:\anaconda_spyder\GWNN-master\GraphWaveletNetwork\layers.py:321) with these attrs: [b_is_sparse=true, transpose_b=false, transpose_a=false, Tb=DT_FLOAT, a_is_sparse=true, Ta=DT_FLOAT] Registered devices: [CPU, GPU] Registered kernels:

[[node wavelet_convolution_1/MatMul (defined at E:\anaconda_spyder\GWNN-master\GraphWaveletNetwork\layers.py:321) ]]
boyizhea commented 5 years ago


xuesanshi commented 5 years ago
