Eilon / MauiHybridWebView

MIT License
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Everyone switch to rbrundritt's repo #50

Closed HelloooJoe closed 4 months ago

HelloooJoe commented 4 months ago

What @rbrundritt created is a freaking game changer. I'm an expert in Angular. What he did was make every Angular app I'll ever create Cross-platform because of that new proxy thing new created. Go check it out!


hansmbakker commented 4 months ago

I find opening an issue on @Eilon's repo with the title Everyone switch to rbrundritt's repo a bit rude. I do see https://github.com/Eilon/MauiHybridWebView/pull/43 was created by @rbrundritt, which is great, but the tone in https://github.com/Eilon/MauiHybridWebView/pull/43#issuecomment-1957676349 and https://github.com/Eilon/MauiHybridWebView/issues/39#issuecomment-1919611968 are a bit off..

HelloooJoe commented 4 months ago

@hansmbakker That was very much my intention.

rbrundritt commented 4 months ago

I made a pull request with these changes a few weeks ago here https://github.com/Eilon/MauiHybridWebView/pull/43

So my intention very much was to get this feature into Eilon's branch and then delete mine.

Eilon commented 4 months ago

FYI to everyone: I'm looking at @rbrundritt 's PR right now and hope to get it merged in soon. I appreciate everyone's enthusiasm and work to help make HybridWebView even better!

For now I'm closing this issue because I plan to merge #43 once I'm done reviewing it.

HelloooJoe commented 4 months ago

About time... #stillgrateful

Eilon commented 4 months ago

BTW everything is merged in and is available on NuGet: https://www.nuget.org/packages/EJL.MauiHybridWebView/1.0.0-preview6