Lintian check results for pidgin-sendscreenshot-0.8-3-amd64.deb:
Skipping pidgin-sendscreenshot-0.8-3-amd64.deb: syntax error at line 18: Continuation line outside a paragraph (maybe line 17 should be " .").
Upon forcing:
dpkg: error processing archive pidgin-sendscreenshot-0.8-3-amd64.deb (--install):
parsing file '/var/lib/dpkg/' near line 16 package 'pidgin-senscreenshot':
blank line in value of field 'Description'
In the releases (, pidgin-sendscreenshot-0.8-3-amd64.deb cannot be installed on Ubuntu, as the package seems to be invalid, even when forcing.
Flag of bad quality:
Upon forcing: